Effects of feminism on regular women

Stealing yet another post from the MGTOW Forum:

Nov 29 2007, 01:46 AM

This post is not mine; I wish it were, because it is so good. It's from Lech Walesa's Fax Machine, a blog written by Bryce; you can find his blog in my link list. Unfortunately, he hasn't updated his blog in a long, long time; that's a pity, because he had many good things to say. At least he hasn't taken down his blog, nor has he announced plans to do so. I'd like to save this post, and preserve it for posterity in case he does. Anyway, Bryce makes an excellent case for the thesis that feminism is harmful to EVERYBODY, and indeed it is.

In the near future, I will repost this post, but I'll do so with my comments inserted amongst Bryce's thoughts. I have a lot to say in response to his points. Before doing so, I'd like to feature this post on its own. Usually, if I feature an article, I intersperse my comments throughout the article, while furnishing a link to the article for those who wish to read it sans my comments. That said, given the rash of blogs that have closed during the year, I'm concerned that a similar fate will befall Lech Walesa's Fax Machine. Therefore, I'm posting his piece by itself now; in the near future, I'll repost this piece with my comments. Thank you, and enjoy!

I won't rehash the whole notion that feminism is at its core a totalitarian hate movement akin to Nazism, Communism, or Islamic radicalism. Even so, those who make this comparison have overlooked one particular commonality between these movements/ideologies.

Feminism is like Nazism, Communism, or Islamic radicalism in that innocent Germans, Russians, and Muslims who wanted nothing to do with these dysfunctional ideologies were nonetheless tarred with the same broad brush as those who subscribed to them and had to pay the same price in treasure, blood, sweat, and tears as the "true believers."

Perhaps the greatest harm done by feminists is the harm done to women who are opposed to feminism and women who want a traditional lifestyle.

So, what kind of harm is feminism doing to women? Specifically, how are men responding to feminism and how are men's responses making life worse for even non-feminist women?

1. Many men are making the very rational, but untrue assumption that all women subscribe to feminism tenets. So many men think that every Western woman hates him and will disrespect him, just because he's male.

2. Just as as feminists treat men as potential abusers and rapists, men are treating women as potential plaintiffs and false accusers. This means that men are wary of any type of business and professional involvement with women as employees, supervisors, business partners, tenants, co-tenants, proteges, clients, etc.

3. Men are increasingly avoiding marriage and even cohabitation, leaving women who desire a loving relationship with a man alone.

4. The flood of women into the workforce has doubled the supply of labor while the demand for labor has stayed the same and even decreased. This means that real wages have stagnated or fallen. At the same time, the cost of living has gone up because of the increased demand for transport, real estate, etc. Therefore, many women who work
have no choice but to do so.

5. Men are eschewing the feminists educational establishment. Fewer men with advanced education means fewer educated men for women to partner with.

6. Men are "taking it easy" and leaving women to be high-achievers without the"acvhievement" of a loving family.

7. Men are abandoning the corporate rat race for entrepreneurship. They're not hiring women because of #2.

8. Men are paying fewer dollars into the tax coffers to be doled out to women.

9. Men at the low end of the economic totem pole see that they are no match for the welfare state as providers. Low-income women are therefore stuck raising their families alone.

10. A few men are choosing to leave the Western Hemisphere entirely to live in man-friendly Eastern societies. This means fewer men around in general for women to partner with.

At the same time, feminists have directly harmed women in several ways:

1. Feminists have suckered women to buy into the notion that having a loving family is not a goal worth pursuing. Sadly, women who want a loving family can't have one.

2. Feminists have duped women into denying their biology in terms of their natural desire for hearth and home and in terms of the time limits on their fertility.

3. Feminists have conned women into thinking that they are so equal to men that they can enlist in the military with no ill effects to themselves or the military.

4. Feminists have infiltrated and debased academia such that a degree in the humanities is worth less and less in the marketplace.

5. Feminists have misled women that all men are dangerous, causing women to inadvertently make themselves unapproachable to men.

6. Feminists have ignored men's physical and psychological health needs and encouraged women to do the same, leaving women widowed or left with damaged or dysfunctional husbands.

7. Feminists have encouraged men and women to compete with each other when they really want to cooperate with each other.

8. Feminists have oversexualized society much to the dismay of modest women.

9. Feminists have shoehorned women into roles that they aren't well suited for, leading men to suspect all women of being incompetent.

10. Finally, feminists have cast conscience, morality, and ethics as victimization and oppression, thus coarsening society's morality and exposing innocent women to immoral activities.

In short, women who aren't feminists will end up alone and miserable because of the actions of a few highly dysfunctional people. That is why non-feminist women are critical to resisting the onslaught of feminism. posted by Bryce at 12:19 PM


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this essay!

"You are either with us, or you are against us". That is the perfect slogan for feminists today.

One of the Ateam said...

I am amazed. You said it all and quite perfectly! Good job.

From, an appreciative woman.

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