U.S. House Betrays American Sovereignty

This old press relase is something I've had stored on my hard drive for some time now. I've decided to post it since the orginal is no longer on the web:


July 24, 2003

Source: Constitution Party National Committee

Constitution Party: U.S. House Betrays American Sovereignty

LANCASTER, PA: The nation's third largest political party sharply criticized the United States House of Representatives for its recent failure to pull the United States out of the United Nations, and applauded those Congressmen who were willing to go on record as opposed to further participation in the world body.

"It is absolutely reprehensible that the very chamber that is responsible under the Constitution for any federal spending refuses to defend the sovereignty of the nation that provides that money," said James N. Clymer, Chairman of the Constitution Party National Committee. "These Congressman have effectively betrayed American sovereignty to interests other than the Constitution to which they have sworn their allegiance."

"Those Congressmen who refused to support the Paul amendment have made it abundantly clear that their first priority is not the well being of the United States but the expansion of an anti-American global society," he said.

The Paul Amendment was an amendment to a foreign aid bill put forth by Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) which would have pulled the United States out of the United Nations. The measure failed to pass the House by a vote of 350 - 74.

"What's so incredulous about this vote is the fact that the United Nations demonstrated how impotent and useless it was in the diplomatic fiasco that occurred just before the Iraq war," Clymer said.

"This Congress now knows that the U.N. is a waste of taxpayer time and money, and still they want to keep us hackled to it? It's absolutely appalling!"

Clymer said that those members of Congress who voted for the Paul Amendment should be applauded for both their courage and insight.

"They voted for what they know is right - American sovereignty and American independence," Clymer said. These are true heroes when it comes to defending American liberty against those neo-fascists who would have us enslaved to a world body that hates this country."

Clymer said that it is even more disgraceful that Congress chose to reject the Paul amendment given the long history of U.N. activity that directly contradicts principles and rights outlined in the United States Constitution.

"The U.N.'s history of supporting pro-abortion activities, of seeking to impose its gun control
totalitarianism on American citizens, and of promotion of the radical homosexual agenda is evidence enough that the goals of the U.N. are in direct contradiction to the U.S. Constitution," he said.

"So, the real question that has to be asked is whose side is Congress on: America's or the United Nation’s?"

Clymer said that the Paul amendment vote clearly demonstrates the need to reform Congress. "They vote themselves a pay raise every two years. They amend an income tax code that is antiquated and unfair. Then they vote to send hard earned American dollars to a world body that does not share the vision, principles and ideals that our Founding Fathers had and which led to the creation of this country."

"I ask again, whose side are these people on?"

The Constitution Party is the only national political party with a strong stand on moral, economic, and constitutional issues. The Constitution Party is working to restore government to its vital, yet limited, constitutionally defined role. The Party’s strong advocacy of less government spending, regulation, gun control, and taxes coupled with its expressed commitment to the protection of life, liberty, and property is finding growing popular support nationwide.

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