The Feminazis Strike Back

Found this post at the Eternal Bachelor:

Zero Volts

As many have noticed, the Sixteen Volts blog was recently taken down with an apology apparantly delivered from Ilkka Kokkarinen. It seems his job may have been at risk because he dared criticise feminism and other socialist/liberal ideologies (amazing how liberal "anti-fascists" are as fascistic as...well, fascists.)

Mr Kokkarinen has insisted that he closed his site down of his own free will and claims he does not want anyone to make him out to be a victim of censorship. I can't really confirm any theory on the guy's personal decision because, whilst I enjoyed reading Sixteen Volts and traded links with Mr Kokkarinen, I never personally corresponded with him.

But something is obviously very fishy about all of this, and I'm not just talking about the whiffy stench of the unwashed cunts of fascist fembots on a censoring rampage.

This article, for example, makes it clear the feminists demanded he STFU and stop being so mean and nasty as to not bow down and worship the Matriarchy.

An anonymous American student alerted the Women’s Centre, mentioning that she is a computer science student and software engineer and that she had stumbled across Kokkarinen’s blog and was concerned.

The Women’s Centre responded by posting her note outside its office.

“If I were a student at Ryerson,” she said, “I’d be very interested in reading some of the things he (Kokkarinen) has to say before deciding whether or not to take his classes.”

@He is not the first anti-feminist and he won’t be the last@, said Huda Assaqqaf, 22, women’s centre orientation.

Damn right he won't be the last you arse-biscuit. Wherever feminists go there will be anti-feminists.

Incidentally, this is why anyone criticising feminism online is best off using a false name. Also, this kinda disproves feminist claims that this a Man's World and women are oppressed; women can go online and insult and moan about men all they want under their own names and with their photos for all to see, whilst if us men want to criticise feminism we have to use false names and keep out identities a secret, like the French Resistence or something.

Mr. Kokkarinen was promptly sent to sensitivity training
re-edumaction camp and posted an apology on his blog.

these are just a few of the comments on the situation:

At 9:39 PM, Joe said…
Being a computer science professor, the gaggle of feminists and looney lefties control any political decisions at the University administration. That is how they get a foothold in the Engineering and Sciences Department. Also, Canada has some of the most regulated speech laws of any western nation.

It seems, he has to go through sensitivity training to keep his job. So a sign of good favor, he 'voluntarily' took down his blog.

He didn't have any problems with his original blog, because it was in Finnish and not English.

With the encroachment of the Nanny State, we will all have to learn a secret langauge to speak our minds freely.

At 1:06 AM, mfsob said…

Before you guys vote to cut his balls off, look where this happened - in academia, where, anyone with more than a pea-sized brain knows, logic and common sense are ruthlessly extinguised and political-correctness and professional victimization are the rulers of the day. And this is the US - I know for a fact things are wayyyyyyyyyyyy more fucked up in Canada.

Just ONE example I have personal knowledge of - last year the "Wymen's Studies" professors (for some reason we need FOUR of these useless slags) decided to host a production of the Vagina Monologues, out of their own pockets. Then when they found out what it was actually going to cost, they went whining to their dean, who of course ponied up the majority of the $$$$$.

Another professor in the same department found out and was ticked off enough to write said dean and ask if he was also going to underwrite a performance of the Penis Diaries (which does not, to my knowledge, even exist).

The upshot? Within 15 minutes of the dean getting that e-mail, the professor was being sat down for a quiet chat with the Gender Equity Officer, who suggested that maybe tenure, in his case, was perhaps revokable after all, and wasn't his last performace review just a bit too filled with puffery that maybe should be investigated?, and ... you get the idea.

This guy did what he had to do to keep his job, in a field dominated by nutty, hormonally driven feminazis.

the best post:

At 8:40 AM, Captain Zarmband said…

What is it about the men's movement and blogs like Sixteen Thousand Volts that makes feminists so afraid that they have to use sneaky censorship and Gestapo tactics to remove them. If our point of view is so ludicrous then people would not sympathise, would view us as cranks and, therefore, no censorship would be required. The only reason the feminists use this censorship tactic is because they fear us and the know that we are right. We have rumbled them and their campaign to crush men and take away the few remaining rights that we have. The right of free speech is top of the Feminazi list. We in turn must keep on with the fight and crush them while we still can.
At 9:23 AM, Deepak said…

"With the encroachment of the Nanny State, we will all have to learn a secret langauge to speak our minds freely."

That language, sir, is HTML. Welcome to the internet, where anonymous males still reign supreme!

We have every reason to be optimistic, my disgruntled brethren. Look at the comments on that post; not a single one supports this decision.

Any ideology that loses touch with reality will eventually collapse in on itself. The lunacy will become incontestable. Our only job, as suggested by Friedrich Nietzsche and demonstrated by Dr. Kokkarinen, is to push what is already falling and laugh as it topples to the ground!

At 2:59 PM

Feminists simply cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas. They are funded with Tax payers dollars in the US. And promote an idealogy easily refuted with facts. So they must censor opposing opinions whenever they can. In addition they are not breeding. So they must continually indoctrinate a new group of idiots to their Dogma.

The article and board has had calls to censor Michael Noer, castrate him, deny him sexual expression etc. Unwittingly the Career Gals are overwhelmingly showing Noer's article is 100% correct.
At 5:41 PM, Anonymous said…

Nothing to prevent him from starting a new blog under an assumed identity (per Duncan's observation).

I'm telling you people you can't be nice with the femicunts and their coWhorts in the press and govt. Keep being respectful and polite with them and you'll nice yourself right into a nice cage and a nice matching dog collar.

NO WARS were EVER won by being nice.

From personal experience, at close range, one thing I can say they are definitely afraid of is death. They know just below the surface they are worthless and could not survive on their own (e.g., society collapses, survival situation). Messages can be effective. A torched car here. A burned down television studio there. Could start off with hitting their infrastructure/property (their tools of repression). If they are too dense to get the message then escalation is necessary.

How many times do they have to keep kicking you guys in the balls before the gloves come off?

These are not nice people. Don't be nice to them. Those are courtesies extended to people who have earned it. Have they earned it from you? They spit in your face everyday and laugh at you.

Death Before Dishonor.
At 9:15 AM, Captain Zarmband said…
It now appears that the comments have been stopped on the Sixteen Volts blog. Lucky for me mine was the last to be posted.

This guy's forced confession is one that the KGB would have been proud of. You can tell these are not really his words as it's full of feminist shaming language.


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