The Constitution Party

Here's more on them from thier mission statement page (link):

The mission of the Constitution Party is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions and to restore American jurisprudence to its original Biblical common-law foundations.

Constitution Party of Wisconsin

Constitution Party of Minnesota

Constitution Party of Pennsylvania

Constitution Party of Florida

Constitution Party of Texas

Constitution Party of Illinois

The homepage of the Constitution Party

Does America Need A New 3rd Party

That issues was raised by American Reform Party (link) in the article below:

Why America Needs A New Political Party

By Stephen E. Ambrose & Richard D. Lamm

America needs a new political party. The most pressing issues facing the nation are beyond the ability of the two parties to solve, because neither party can act alone to solve these problems, and any bipartisan compromise can not equal the magnitude of the problems we face. These are not issues problems we are talking about here; they are structural problems. Structural problems that we are not even seriously debating, let alone solving! Structural problems that can only be solved by a new political coalition.

A new political party is not without precedent. There is nothing constitutional or sacrosanct about the existing two-party system. Other democracies have multiple parties, which make sense in parliamentary systems which have proportional representation (i.e., your party gets 9 percent of the vote, and you get 9 percent of the contested seats). However, in a "winner-take-all" system like ours, a two-party structure is almost inevitable. Constantly shifting coalitions work out their differences using two competing political umbrellas. Thus, although a two-party system usually has many more than two parties, pragmatically only two are real contenders for power. And, generally, this structure has served the nation well.

There have been times in American history where neither of the two political parties were able to solve the nation's problems. At that point, great pressures emerge to form a third political party. In the vast majority of cases, these third political parties add to the dialogue but do not succeed in building a permanent party. Political scientist Richard Hoffesteder has observed that the role of the third political party is "to sting like a bee and then die." This truly has been the fate of third political parties for the last 140 years. Many third parties deeply impacted public policy, but they did not become institutionalized. Their issues endured, but their party disappeared. The last third political party to become one of the two major parties was the Republican Party in the 1850s.

It is now time for another political realignment. We are not arguing for a change in the two-party system into a three-party system; we are arguing that America needs a new political party that would eclipse one of the existing major parties and itself become one of the major parties.

There is no divine right of political parties any more than there is a divine right of kings. Political parties were not part of the vision of our founding fathers, and are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. George Washington actually opposed the formation of political parties. They were necessary, however, as a way to focus political choice in the new republic. Being a pragmatic people, Americans needed some way to organize various philosophical and policy differences. Philosophical differences soon emerged as the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Americans kept these two parties only as long as they played a useful function, and then easily developed new parties when the old ones ossified or failed to face the political needs of the country.

The Federalists disappeared, the Whigs replaced them, then gave way to the Republicans. Thomas Jefferson's Republican Party became Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party. The Populists of the late 19th Century, and the Progressives of the early 20th Century, failed to replace either the Democratic or Republican Party, but did force them to adopt their issues. They did not institutionalize a new permanent party, but accomplished their ideological mission by changing one or both of the existing parties.

Overall, the two-party system has served us well. A large factor in that success was that the two major parties could be forced to change by a third party threat. New issues forced themselves on the existing political process and demanded to be heard.

As a practical and pragmatic people, Americans were not wed to any particular party. Americans often formed a third party and, if successful, either one or both of the existing political parties adopted their issues. Twice in our history such a movement brought forth a whole new political party to replace one of the existing parties.

Now is again such a time. We fear that neither political party can do politically what we need to do economically to remain a great country, and that a third party built around a personality cannot force change—something just proven by Ross Perot. Bringing America's expectations in balance with our revenue will be a terribly painful and monumental task. We shall have to substantially downsize some of our most popular programs. We have ourselves in a Catch 22—where the best politics is the worst long-term public policy. Neither party can afford to take the steps in campaign reform and entitlement reform required to solve these politically volatile problems. Short-term political considerations eclipse long-term public interest considerations. We judge it to be substantially beyond the ability of either political party in the present political climate to deal successfully with these structural problems.

If a new party is to emerge, it would of necessity have to begin as a third political party and then grow. It is relatively easy to start a third political party; it is immensely difficult to grow them. The third parties that have grown into major parties are those that went after structural change. They solved not political problems (which the existing system could eventually solve), but instead deep structural flaws the existing political process could not solve. The Free Soilers/Republicans of the 1850s, and the Progressives of the first two decades of the 20th Century, are the models. They insisted on confronting issues the two major parties were incapable of addressing — slavery in the first instance, and the need for state and federal regulation of meat packing, drugs, the stock market, civil service, etc. in the second. Major problems had gone unaddressed by the existing parties until a new party filled the need. Politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum.

The answer of the Progressives to the ills of democracy was something the existing system could not or would not give the nation - more democracy. Recall. Referendum. Direct election of senators. Primaries. Above all, primaries. Progressives said that if you take the nomination process out of the hands of the pros in their smoke-filled rooms and give that power to the people, all of a sudden you will have clean politics. In many ways, this worked. But in the age of TV and special interests primaries have extended the political "season" to a nearly continuous process costing huge sums of money.

There has (correctly, we think) always been a heavy skepticism about the future of third political parties. In the last 140 years, not one third party became institutionalized, not even the Progressives. So, why a new party and why now?

Because we have a structural problem that cannot be solved with "politics as usual." As political scientists Levergood and Breyfogle point out:

We must realize that our current crisis of self-interested bickering and anarchy derive neither from our own selfishness, nor from the dishonesty and incompetence of politicians, but rather from political institutions that are no longer able to restrain the worst within us.

New parties arise when the existing parties cannot or will not meet some large contemporary issue. We see two major issues which are unlikely to be solved within the normal two-party system: campaign reform and entitlement reform.

You can read the rest by clicking here.

American Reform Party

More from their platform page (link):

The Republican and Democratic parties have monopolized the political system by capturing the money that runs elections, preventing worthy challengers and third parties from fair access to the ballot, and blocking open political debate. This has debased our democratic institutions and degraded the quality of politicians who seek to hold public office.

The former independent Governor of FLORIDA and three term U.S. Senator Lowell Weicker wrote, “The two-party system owes its continued existence to the self-aggrandizement of Republicans and Democrats and to many in the news media who look upon change as expensive logistically. The public is miles ahead of the politicians and the press in seeing the irrationality of the present {duopoly} system.”

The Last Straw

When our elected officials made bribery legal by calling it campaign contributions and declaring money to be free speech, that was more than we The people could, or would, take. Citizen distaste for the two parties is a long established fact. The natural consequence of such distaste, logically thinking should be the creation of a third major political party, a party that is centrist, addresses the broad spectrum of issues and produces true competition and superior government.

Political and Economic Objectives:

Restore trust and integrity in government

Reduce government spending and size

Increase disposable income for families

Institute long-term fiscal policies

To insure intergenerational equity

Campaign Finance Reform:

Reduce the influence of money and special interest in campaigns

Establish public funding options for clean elections

Shorten election cycles.

Eliminate soft money from corporations, unions and wealthy individuals.

Prompt Internet disclosure of campaign contributions and voting records.

Lobbyists provide information, not money.

Election/Electoral Reforms:

States must grant fair ballot access for third party candidates and independents.

TV and Radio debates and forums must include ballot-qualified third- party and independent candidates.

Publish uniform statewide voters guides.

Term limits for elected officials, legislative leaders and committee chairs.

Proportional representation; require courts, not political parties, to construct equal legislative voting districts.

Open primaries: a single unified ballot so voters can choose candidates of any party.

Cumulative voting options, instant runoff.

NOTA (none of the above) on the ballot line as a voters choice.

Recall vote to remove legislators.

Replace Electoral College with popular vote.

Citizen initiative and referendum laws in all states and also as national advisories.

Foreign Affairs:

Keep our United Nations dues current, meet international obligations and humanitarian needs and stay engaged in world affairs as a political and economic leader of the free world.

Restore normal relations with Cuba.

Trade Policies and Jobs:

Eliminate the trade deficit, pursue fair trade policies and reestablish the nations creditor status.

End fast track passage of trade agreements and require congressional accountability.

Require trading partners to meet standards in human rights, workers rights, labor laws and environmental laws.

Retain U.S. manufacturing capacity and keep high paying technical jobs at home.

Immigration Policies:

Keep a record of all Visa holders and foreign visitors and send them home when their visa runs out.

Establish a firm cap of 200,000 immigrants per year until the current wave of mass immigration is assimilated.

Limit family reunification to spouses and minor children of legal immigrants.

Ban future amnesties for illegal immigrants and review political asylum claims.

Enforce job eligibility verification as well as all immigration laws and regulations.

To find out more you can visit thier home page by clicking here.

Independence Party of America

Here's more about the from their front page:

To be an Organization in which candidates emerge from the grassroots and work diligently to achieve "mass appeal" based on their unique leadership qualities, character and competence and not because they rose through the political ranks supported by special interest power brokers and political operatives.

To be an Organization that will drive innovation and change in Washington by encouraging a new political prototype of national leadership. Ideal candidates will be those who have led very successful non-political careers in the private and public sectors.

To be an Organization that will drive transformation in Washington by applying sound management principles to root out waste, abuse and mismanagement at all levels and departments in the federal bureaucracy.

To provide a viable infrastructure to advance a serious, non-partisan independent leader to emerge in the 2008 presidential elections as an alternative to the republicans and democrats.

To achieve ballot status in all fifty states for the independent presidential candidate through an energized membership

To be an Organization where America's growing population of independent-minded and politically aware people may find a home with others of similar views

To foster a non-ideological "big tent" party of ideas which serves as a think tank for the solutions to the problems we face. We believe that positions on social issues e.g. abortion, gay rights, etc. are best determined not by a political party but by individuals. We openly welcome party members who hold varying views on social issues.

To be an Organization that will vigorously pursue an energy agenda that emphasizes independence and fosters economic prosperity for all.

To visit the homepage of the Independence Party of America please click here.

Click here to visit the MySpace Page of IPOA National Chairman Frank MacKay

The Natural Law Party

Here's where they stand on a few major issues:

On Education:

THE SOLUTION TO ALL OUR NATIONAL PROBLEMS lies in proper education. The Natural Law Party advocates scientifically proven educational programs that can unfold the full creative potential of every student and produce ideal citizens capable of fulfilling their highest aspirations while contributing maximum to the progress of society. By harnessing America’s greatest resource -- the unlimited creativity of our 280 million citizens -- the Natural Law Party can bring fulfillment to education and ensure America’s competitiveness and continuing leadership in the family of nations.

On the Economy:

THE NATURAL LAW PARTY envisions a flourishing national economy in which no citizen suffers from unemployment, recession, runaway inflation, or any other economic hardship; in which America’s businesses are highly competitive in the international marketplace; in which the crippling national debt is reduced and eventually eliminated; and in which the tax burden is significantly decreased, enabling everyone to enjoy greater prosperity and a higher standard of living.

Lowering taxes -- The most powerful fiscal action our government can take to stimulate the economy is to lower taxes. The Natural Law Party can cut taxes deeply -- and responsibly -- without adding to the deficit or cutting essential services. Many parties have promised lower taxes, but have been unable to fulfill these promises due to the depth and complexity of problems faced by government. The Natural Law Party, through its cost-effective solutions to crime, spiraling health costs, and other costly social problems, will save the nation hundreds of billions of dollars annually. On this basis, the Natural Law Party can offer a realistic strategy for significant tax reduction that protects the integrity of our important social programs.

One simple and viable way to implement across-the-board tax cuts is through a low flat tax. The Natural Law Party has designed a low flat tax that includes an exemption for America’s poor and lower-income families. Beginning in 2000 at 18%, our tax rate would fall to 10% by 2005 as the Natural Law Party’s cost-effective solutions to the nation’s problems began to bear fruit [4] (see table). The Natural Law Party’s low flat tax would stimulate and sustain strong economic growth. This strong economic growth, with its associated increase in government revenues, combined with the savings from our cost-effective solutions, would ensure a balanced budget and gradual repayment of the national debt without borrowing from the Social Security trust fund. This proposal would also reduce the size and scope of the IRS, eliminate loopholes for the wealthy, and put an end to corporate welfare.

In addition to our flat tax proposal, the Natural Law Party is also continuing to study alternative tax options, such as a consumption tax, that might decrease the tax burden for Americans. We concur with the Kemp commission’s fundamental requirements for a new tax code: fairness, simplicity, neutrality, visibility, and stability.

That's just where they stand on a few of the issues.

The Natural Law Party

U.S. Independent American Party

More on the U.S. Independent American Party from their front page:

The Preamble of our National Platform states:

"The Constitution for the United States of America was established as an inspired ensign and standard of liberty for all. It is the only constitution based foremost upon the rights and liberties of a free and independent people who are superior to government, having government as their servant rather than as their master. We revere the founding documents of America, honor the men who framed them, and ascribe all honor and glory to the God who inspired them. We claim, second to worshiping God, that our greatest responsibility as Americans is vigilance in protecting our God-given Constitution and rights, both for ourselves and our posterity.

We assert that we are in a Constitutional crisis. The major provisions of the Constitution are being compromised and our God-given rights are being intruded upon or eliminated at an alarming rate. Our educational, economic, social, and political institutions are becoming more perverted. The rights and nature of our national sovereignty, Judeo-Christian heritage, and traditional family, are under escalating attack. We solemnly declare that our Constitution, liberties, and national sovereignty currently hang by a thread. We assert that institutionalized corruption and the loss of our rights and liberties are unconstitutional, unacceptable and inexcusable.

We claim that our Constitutional Republic can still be fully restored by lawful means, but only to the extent that We The People stand united and vigilant, as never before, in the cause of freedom.

The U.S. Independent American Party

Time to end the Two Party Death Grip

This is an article from the current 2008 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin. It's was posted on the Constitution Party web site back in 2003 and retrieved from the Internet Archives on May 15 2008.

Americans Must Free Themselves From A Two Party Death Grip

By Chuck Baldwin


It's time to say it: the two major parties hold a death grip on the American people! Instead of representing the people, both parties are bought and paid for by special interest groups. Neither party pays any attention to the U.S. Constitution but are largely marching in lock-step toward bigger and bigger government. Both Republicans and Democrats eagerly sacrifice what's good for the country with what's good for the party. As they now exist, neither major party deserves the support of patriotic Americans.

Furthermore, blind allegiance to the two major parties has created a "lesser of two evils" mindset that has warped the thinking and perverted the values of otherwise good people. What people would never accept in any other venue of society, they gladly and willingly accept from their chosen party's candidates.

People expect honesty and integrity from clergymen, bankers, doctors, businessmen, realtors, even journalists and used car salesmen. Those same people, however, quickly tolerate and even excuse dishonesty and chicanery from their chosen political party.

Consider the excuse conservatives give for President Bush's recent announcement that he supports the Clinton gun ban. Rather than holding Bush accountable for his inexcusable statement, they rush to his defense by saying, "Bush is just saying this to placate moderates. He doesn't really mean it." What they don't stop to consider is that if they are correct, G.W. Bush is a liar!

It is clear, therefore, that conservatives are more than willing to support and defend someone they believe to be deliberately lying. In other words, it doesn't matter to them whether Bush tells the truth or not. He has an "R" behind his name and, therefore, they will support him.

However, the same people who will justify dishonesty in the lives of their favored party's politicians would never accept such conduct from anyone else. Furthermore, many of these conservatives actually call themselves Christians; many are preachers. They preach and teach the virtues of honesty and integrity. What is even more amazing is that they find no inconsistency with what they are doing!

In his Farewell Address, our first and greatest President, George Washington, loquaciously lobbied the American people to guard against over-infatuation with political parties. Anyone reading his warnings today will be impressed with his insight and sagacity. Virtually everything he predicted has come to pass. Blind loyalty to political parties has corrupted our public institutions, blinded the hearts and minds of the American people, and opened wide the door to undue foreign influence.

If everyone who believes and teaches honesty and accountability would put it into practice when they walk into the voting booth, we could put a stop to this pathetic practice of electing dishonest and despicable people to high public office. Instead of hiding their own character and integrity under the bushel basket of party partisanship, voters could be proud of the fact that are actually helping to set the ship of state aright by helping to elect men and women of honesty and character!

Though I do not share this opinion, many people believe Abraham Lincoln to be one of America's greatest presidents. Personal opinion aside, it is a fact that Lincoln's election and subsequent influence upon this country was huge. Therefore, it is more than significant to realize that Lincoln was first elected from a four- person ticket with less than 40% of the vote! So much for the importance of receiving a majority vote.

In practically every presidential election, there are candidates from a variety of independent or "third" parties on the ballot. To ignore them merely because they are not Republicans or Democrats is absurd! If a worthy candidate cannot be found within the two major parties (and they are becoming increasingly harder to find), voters should look to alternative parties.

Remember, the object is to elect honest and honorable leaders for our country, not to promote and protect the private agendas of the fat cats who control the two major parties

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