The Natural Law Party

Here's where they stand on a few major issues:

On Education:

THE SOLUTION TO ALL OUR NATIONAL PROBLEMS lies in proper education. The Natural Law Party advocates scientifically proven educational programs that can unfold the full creative potential of every student and produce ideal citizens capable of fulfilling their highest aspirations while contributing maximum to the progress of society. By harnessing America’s greatest resource -- the unlimited creativity of our 280 million citizens -- the Natural Law Party can bring fulfillment to education and ensure America’s competitiveness and continuing leadership in the family of nations.

On the Economy:

THE NATURAL LAW PARTY envisions a flourishing national economy in which no citizen suffers from unemployment, recession, runaway inflation, or any other economic hardship; in which America’s businesses are highly competitive in the international marketplace; in which the crippling national debt is reduced and eventually eliminated; and in which the tax burden is significantly decreased, enabling everyone to enjoy greater prosperity and a higher standard of living.

Lowering taxes -- The most powerful fiscal action our government can take to stimulate the economy is to lower taxes. The Natural Law Party can cut taxes deeply -- and responsibly -- without adding to the deficit or cutting essential services. Many parties have promised lower taxes, but have been unable to fulfill these promises due to the depth and complexity of problems faced by government. The Natural Law Party, through its cost-effective solutions to crime, spiraling health costs, and other costly social problems, will save the nation hundreds of billions of dollars annually. On this basis, the Natural Law Party can offer a realistic strategy for significant tax reduction that protects the integrity of our important social programs.

One simple and viable way to implement across-the-board tax cuts is through a low flat tax. The Natural Law Party has designed a low flat tax that includes an exemption for America’s poor and lower-income families. Beginning in 2000 at 18%, our tax rate would fall to 10% by 2005 as the Natural Law Party’s cost-effective solutions to the nation’s problems began to bear fruit [4] (see table). The Natural Law Party’s low flat tax would stimulate and sustain strong economic growth. This strong economic growth, with its associated increase in government revenues, combined with the savings from our cost-effective solutions, would ensure a balanced budget and gradual repayment of the national debt without borrowing from the Social Security trust fund. This proposal would also reduce the size and scope of the IRS, eliminate loopholes for the wealthy, and put an end to corporate welfare.

In addition to our flat tax proposal, the Natural Law Party is also continuing to study alternative tax options, such as a consumption tax, that might decrease the tax burden for Americans. We concur with the Kemp commission’s fundamental requirements for a new tax code: fairness, simplicity, neutrality, visibility, and stability.

That's just where they stand on a few of the issues.

The Natural Law Party


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