A Message To All Men Do Not Marry

Again from Outcast Superstar's Happy Bachelor's forum:

All Men Should Not Marry
Thread Started on Sept 8, 2007, 8:58am

Here is a masterpiece written by tiredofit on the Don't Get Married Board.

Young men shouldn't marry... because they have their talents, dreams, and future to utilize. Women will marry young men as a sort of "down payment", a future retirement plan.

Old men shouldn't marry... because of their assets and wealth to be taken, and older women resemble mummies. Young women marry old men for the money when he dies.

Poor men shouldn't marry... because they will forever remain a wage slave, working, working, working, until the day he dies or retires in his sixties. If she divorces, he is enslaved to child support payments and often kicked out of his own house.

Rich men shouldn't marry... because most of the women will be gold diggers. During the marriage, she will siphon off much assets and wealth her way. If a divorce comes, she will take off with a good chunk of the cash.

Men with dreams shouldn't marry... because the wife will stomp on those dreams and say that your purpose on Earth is to please her. You should either be pleasing her or making money for her to spend. Dreams are for children, dear.

Men without dreams shouldn't marry... because all the pleasures you take in life, be it fishing, hunting, gaming, motorcycling, or football, will be diminished greatly if not removed entirely. Your hobbies become 'guilt trips' while your wife's hobbies become 'quality time'.

Religious men shouldn't marry... because marriage has nothing at all to do with being religious. Jesus didn't marry. Monks don't marry. Churches are not men's friends. Every church allows tons of divorces including Catholic Churches (under the skyrocketing annulments).

Non-religious men shouldn't marry... because you are getting married to the government. If you say, "That is absurd! Married to the government? Ho ho! I am married to my woman!" then watch how the State falls upon your head when a divorce comes. "But I will never become divorced!" Then you get to remain in the Government sanctioned sex program that is called "Marriage".


You don't think it is a government program? Try having sex outside of marriage. You may get away with it for a while... until a child appears and you get slammed with child support. You could co-habitate, yes, but the state will declare you two married and then you become "institutionalized" into marriage. Threats to the government sex program, i.e. marriage, such as prostitution is attacked and removed at every point.

And the reason why the "free sex" exists out there in the first place is for the women, not the men, which is why media and even men say that getting laid is 'getting lucky' as if women have bestowed a favor on the guy.

What does all this mean?

It means DO NOT MARRY. It is not because women have a self-interest in regards to marriage. It is because male interests in marriage have been legislated out of existence. In Church, male interests have been moralized out of existence (while her interests are extolled).

Culturally, you will always be seen as a loser. Despite the gain of fame or wealth, you still remain a loser... only a USEFUL loser. Society will re-configure itself so that women are right... always... and forever... If a law says women should go to jail for murder... well, the courts will say, "She was distressed. It could not have been her fault," and behold how the woman goes free. If a woman is in an argument, society and everyone will shift so the woman, in question, is right. If religion contradicts women, those parts of the religion will be left out. If history contradicts women then history will be re-edited so women are right. If Nature contradicts women (STDs, cervical cancer, can't have children when 40), it is declared a "social crisis" and scientists are set to task of "fixing" the problem.

Not marrying won't make you free and happy. But it will keep you from the shackles. You may think being lonely and single is misery, but it is paradise compared to the TRUE MISERY of marriage.

Don't Marry!

Confession of a feminist

From Outcast Superstar's Happy Bachelor's Forum:

Confession of a feminazi

As I write this, I am aware that I am probably going to offend some readers, but, then again, I have found that we in society are afraid and unaccepting of the truth, therefore taking offense. I can not apologize for what I am about to say, however I can only hope to attempt to undo the wrong that I have done.

To start with, here is a little bit about myself. Before I was married, I was an extreme feminist, with the hopes and dreams of equality, having the same thoughts and beliefs as others in the fight for true equality. It wasn't like the feminists of today, who only want to gain complete control, power, and to have revenge, destroying everything that the true feminists have fought so hard for (true gender equality). It is my hope that by posting my story and comments, that it will encourage other women, (we/you know who you are), to come forward and to tell the truth about themselves and their experience. Here is my story, as shameful as it may be.

I am a single mother of two. When I decided to leave my marriage, (I was bored), I went to three different lawyers for advice. I was asked by all 3 of them if I was ever abused by my husband. My answer was, never in any way shape or form was my husband abusive towards me. To my utter disbelief, all of them told me the same thing. Unless I accused my husband of abuse, I would not gain sole custody of my children. They also told me that by making these allegations against him, that I would get EVERYTHING and more. When I asked them how we would prove the allegations, I was told that the courts don't require proof, and to go to a women's shelter, and that they would help me, and that it would support my allegations of abuse.

Having been brought up in a very religious family, I was very uncomfortable with this advice. I was then told by the lawyers, that if I wanted the full support of legal aid, I had no choice but to make the allegations against my husband. Having no money to pay for legal expenses, I did as I was advised. Reluctantly I took my children to a women's shelter. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. On the outside, it appears as they want the public and their funders to see it. This is however, far from the truth.

This place was a form of a cult, (for lack of a better term). Male bashing was a top priority, and the administration was very adamant about recruiting yet another woman (me), to join this man-haters club. They even have a game plan on how to win in court. By following their simple plan step by step, I would not only get sole custody of my children, but also the car, house and land, plus finances for the rest of my life.

However, if I did not follow their game plan, but if I played fairly, I would lose everything, and I would be endangering the lives of other women, and would jeopardize any funding for them. The administration must have noticed that their brain washing techniques were not working as fast as they wanted, so I was 'thrown' at the other women staying there.

Terms such as 'sperm donors', and that all men were abusive and must die, were used on a daily basis. They were very convincing, and not wanting to jeopardize my fellow house mates, I went along with their game plan.

As soon as I said that I would follow their game plan, things moved very quickly. I saw the man that I was once married to destroyed emotionally, financially and physically. I was granted sole custody of our children, and because of a restraining order, I gained the house and car, so that our children wouldn't lose everything that they were used to.

Not only was there a restraining order against him, he was also charged with assault. The man who had equally created our children, helped raise them, and who loves them dearly, was ordered to stay away from them, and to pay me, (more than I ever needed), support for them. Like I said, I destroyed him, leaving him with very little to survive.

My brother is now going through a custody battle, where my former sister-in-law is playing exactly the same game that was taught to me by a women's shelter, and my brother is in the same shoes that I once put my ex in.

Knowing how I destroyed my ex, and seeing the wrong that I had committed, I have made it my personal endeavor to help my brother with his fight. He recently joined a men's group, and he receives messages on the net from shared parenting, epoc_news etc.

As he was thrown out of his home, he now lives with me, which gives me the opportunity to read the messages from these groups. I must admit, sometimes there is a message or two that is of great help, but for the most part, these groups have to stop playing 'Mr. Nice Guy'.

Dads On The Air


No Marriage dot com

More on the site from the FAQ section:

The purpose of NoMarriage.com website is to allow men to better understand two very important issues that get very little attention:

# 4 out of 5 men regret marrying.

Divorce rate is around 60%. Majority of remaining married men are stuck in sexless marriages with nagging and bitching wives, but they choose not to divorce because they are afraid of being wiped out financially during divorce. Furthermore, majority of relatively happy marriages are among very religious people, people choosing to live a simple lifestyle, people living in the rural South/Midwest, and recent Hispanic immigrants. If you are a normal American guy living in a large metropolitan area marrying a normal college-educated American woman who is looking for the American dream (a nice house, kids, good life), then you are extremely likely to either get divorced or trapped in a miserable marriage.

How/why did you start the website?

Around the year 2000 I was in my late 20s and I noticed that almost all American women around me are either already mentally unstable, or they become mentally unstable after marriage. So married men are forced to live their lives constantly trying to please their wife's ever-evolving needs and wants, as well as constantly trying to prove and validate themselves to their wives. I started doing surveys and researching it further. I then put together the website and wrote the book. This whole thing is a public service announcement more than anything else.

No Marriage


The death of alimony?

This intro to an article by Dr. Helen a writer for Men's News Daily poses the question Should alimony go?

The lovely and on-side Dr Helen asks the following question re: Should alimony go ?

Should we now get rid of this scourge as now it looks like women will also have to pay (Shock horror) and ofcourse as soon as women are held accountable just like men all of a sudden it's just not on. Women being the stingiest creatures on Earth hate that idea. Why should they have to pay their hard-earned money to someone else just because the Judge actually has a think...

This cannot be right, let the moaning and whining begin and watch how fast women will kill this obligation as fast as they can say " no more sex, we're married".

You can read the entire article here....

Deceptions of a Gender Equal Society

This article comes via Father Magazine:

Deceptions of a
"Gender Equal Society"
by Robert Sheaffer

It is now clear beyond any possibility of doubt that the supposed 'gender-equal society of the Montagnais-Naskapi', which is cited in feminist circles as one of the best evidences of a supposed "nonpatriarchal society", has absolutely no basis in fact. It was the deliberate deception of a Marxist feminist, created out of selective quotation and misrepresentation, yet uncritically accepted by her feminist readers. The fact remains that all present and past human societies are patriarchal, in spite of the many feminist lies and half-truths invented to obscure this. Indeed, the ease with which academic feminists will resort to deception to bolster claims such as this one about vanished "nonpatriarchal societies" is perhaps the best reason to doubt their claim that future societies will be nonpatriarchal.

You can read the reast of the article here...

Hurricane Blowback!

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We are finally on the radar screen!

The news comes to you via this article from JJs Garage:

Dealing with Anti-Feminism: The Feminist eZine - Bachelorism

This article is written by Suzanne MacNevin, a female/feminist who is very upset with men who have blamed feminism for their vow to remain bachelors.

The irony is that her emotions, opinions, and logic play right into the hands of the men she is arguing against. She is upset that men blame feminist for all their problems, but then uses the typical feminist blame, shame, and humiliation tactics to make her case - the exact behavior that has given feminist an evil reputation, and the exact behavior that does nothing to dispute the bachelors' logic. In fact, it appears to actually reinforce and validate their argument.

And it just wouldn't be a true anti-male/hate speech if it didn't include some kind of reference to female-on-male violence - a right of passage for female empowerment - to which the writer is more than happy to indulge with a picture of women kicking a man in his face.

The only thing this article did for me was validate the argument for the bachelors.

You go boys!

Yes indeed gentlemen Karama is a real bitch!

His sites links to the article in question with a number of graphics that have been ripped off from MGTOW sites!

I do belive that in the words of professional wrestling announcer Jim Ross business is about to pick up!!

Here's part of the article in question:

Anti-Feminist Beliefs & Criticism

By Suzanne MacNevin - January 2008.

There is a growing plethora of anti-feminist websites out there and there is noticable trends amongst the topics discussed amongst such websites.

One of the leading criticisms is that feminists are out to get pregnant and get alimony/child support payments from their deadbeat dads/husbands.

Which leads me to one conclusion: The primary driving force behind such websites are "Deadbeat Dads" who sometimes write under the guise of a female name.

Oh hell yeah!!!

Go pop open a cold one and pat yourselvs on the back for a job well done!!

Awol Civilization

Here's one that should appeal to the thinkers in the crowd:

Awol Civilization


Toy Soldier

A web log dedicated to getting the word out about abused boys and men:

Toy Soldier


Stephen Baskerville dot net

The home site of one of the few father's issue's activist to see the big picture and the end game as far as feminism and American liberalism communism goes. (Along with fellow MND writers David R. Usher and Roger Gay of course.)

Stephen Baskerville, PhD


Bernard Chapin

Homepage of the Chicago writer and Mens News Daily blogger:

Bernard Chapin


Bullion Vault Gold News

A blog for the market junkies and financial new hounds:

Bullion Vault's Gold News


Anti-feminist Pro Men page

Yet another anti-feminist page. This one is kinda old and some of the links are dated but still worth a look.

The Anti-Feminist Promale Page


The Fjordman Files

Fjordman is a roving blogger that writes for various web sites of note. At one point he did maintain his own blog but stopped working on it. (But you can still see it online.)

Well, someone who's a fan of his work took the time and probably a good bit of effort to index a number of his articles. So someone who put's in that much work deserves a plug here.

The Fjordman Files


Gates of Vienna

This is a conservative weblog from with news and opinion from Europe. I normally don't link conservative weblogs here (exception Mens News Daily) but this one has several great articles on it. So if you find yourself with some spare time please check them out:

Gates of Vienna


Political Correctness The Awful Truth

A site from the United Kingdom that exposes the truth about political correctness

Political Correctness The Awful Truth


and thier blog:


The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

I just came across this free e-book, it's in abobe pdf format and is nearly 7MB in size. All you have to do is go to the front page and download the book by clicking on a hyperlink:

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt


Alliance for the Separation of School and State

Here more information about them from the about us section:

The Alliance for the Separation of School & State has a two-fold mission:

1. Help parents and others understand the true nature and the dangers of compulsory state schooling.

2. Show parents and others how they can take back their freedom and ensure a bright future for their children and our country.

Through our web site, literature, conferences, speaking engagements, our newsletter and our many volunteers, we spread this message of hope and liberty, we encourage parents to Keep their Children, and we encourage others to support parents in this cause.

The Alliance for the Separation of School & State, a California-based non-profit organization, was founded in 1994 and is dedicated to helping families understand the need for freedom in education and how they can achieve that dream.

Alliance for the Separation of School & State


Ed Watch dot org

Here's more about thier site from the about us page:

EdWatch supports knowledge-based education that promotes the American Creed, free enterprise, limited government, and the primacy of parental rights.

Education Watch


Taking Sex Differences Seriously

This excerpt was taken from the front page of the web site:

In his new book, Taking Sex Differences Seriously, Dr. Steven Rhoads assembles a wealth of scientific evidence showing that sex distinctions are "hardwired" into our biology. They range from the subtle (men get a chemical high from winning while women get one from nursing) to the profound (women with high testosterone levels are more promiscuous, more competitive, and more conflicted about having children than those with average levels.)

Taking Sex Differences Seriously


Daycares Dont Care

More about this site from the FAQ section:

Qusetion: Why did you start this website?

Answer: Although I never felt comfortable with the whole idea of daycare, I kept my opinion to myself.

As time went on, however, I became fed up with people continually hounding me to place my kids in day-care. I began to look for information to defend my decision.

The last straw came after my sister's eldest son suffered multiple compound fractures and his little sister almost died from a severe infection while attending daycare at a state-of-the-art facility at a prestigious university!

This got me so upset that I decided to put the information I collected on the Web, so that parents could easily find out about the serious problems with day care.

Day Cares Don't Care


Y Ted K

A site criticizing Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts

Y Ted K .com


Judicial Watch and Corruption Chronicles

Here's more about them:

Judicial Watch, Inc., a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people.

Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations and public outreach.

Judicial Watch


and thier blog:

Corruption Chronicals


The SCUM Manifesto Project

This I came across while surfing some anti-feminist site. Here's the explanation for the webpages existence :

The SCUM Manifesto was published in New York City in 1967. The author, Valerie Solanas, later became famous for her attempted murder of Andy Warhol. This writing epitomizes (with artistic exaggeration) the fundamental attitude of radical feminism toward the male sex. It is replete with miscellaneous foreshadowings of themes and concepts that have been voiced by a variety of feminists over the years.

Most present-day feminists would deny that Solanas was herself a feminist. Yet plenty of declared feminists in the past have spoken highly of Solanas, and her work has been widely reprinted and anthologized in feminist publications. A movie called "I Shot Andy Warhol" is based upon the events of Valerie Solanas's life, and is widely available on DVD.

Millions of people have never even heard of Valerie Solanas and the SCUM Manifesto, and we believe that this state of affairs needs to be corrected. If you share that opinion, then we would like to enlist your help in making this author and her work universally famous to ALL people from ALL walks of life, EVERYWHERE.

Here's the site:

The SCUM Manifesto - by Valerie Solanas


The Blackshirts

Australian Father's group:

The Black Shirts


Chef Fidelbogen Intro to the Mens Movement

Once again from the Happy Bachelors forum someone found this post from "Chef" Fidelbogen who gives introductory overview of the Men's movement to feminist:

I compose this article for the enlightenment of feminist readers. Yes, I know you folks are out there, amongst the upwards of 60 million visitors who troop through here daily! I said I would throw you some scraps, but guess what? I think you deserve more than that, because I think you folks are special! So, chef Fidelbogen has cooked a full-course, sit-down meal for you guys, complete with all the fixin's!

So let's dig in! The most important thing to understand about the men's movement is that it is a cross-section of humanity. This means that what humanity in its wide variety encompasses, the men's movement likewise encompasses. It is like extracting a drop of water from a pond - stick this pond drop under a microscope and it will look identical to any other pond drop. The drop contains the pond in microcosm. So too, the men's movement contains the human race. By that I mean that it contains the moral spectrum of human nature. The whole damned enchilada! The saints, the scoundrels, and everything in between - in the same proportions you are likely to encounter along the common roads of life.

This one is really good you can read the rest by going here.

Happy Bachelor New Years Testimony

I swiped this post from Outcast Superstar's Happy Bachelor's Forum:

This next testimony is written by an older man who started a thread on Happy Bachelors Forum called "It does an old's man heart good"

... to see so many younger men waking up to what a farce modern marriage has become and how pathetic and tiresome Western Women are these days.

I've been at this a very long time - having spent my entire life as a bachelor, even during the days when a single man was something of a social pariah. I often think of the biblical story of Moses and how the Israelites had to spend 40 years wandering in the wilderness after escaping their bondage. Years ago someone explained it to me that the reason for that is that people have a very difficult time changing their beliefs and their ways and they needed to be lost until all the old timers who remembered their time in bondage died out.

Most men my age either sold out or are totally burned out. Either they sold out their fellow men for some quick sex (like Warren Farrell) or they got skinned alive in divorce court and never recovered. Many of them found out the hard way that being a mangina did not protect them - much as Chamberlain found that appeasement did not work. When they finally woke up, it was too late for most of them - they had already had everything taken from them by the court system and had no resources left with which to fight.

You younger men can learn from the mistakes of my generation and simply never allow yourselves to get caught in the machine. Many of you will be able to retire early in relative affluence because you never allowed one of today's parasites to attach herself to your wallet.

You are the true beneficiaries of feminism - men who can Go Your Own Way for your entire lives, while women drive themselves insane trying to "have it all", "do it all", and "be it all."

There is an old saying that no one ever looks back from their death bed and says "I wish I had spent more time at the office!" But, for some strange reason, women stupidly fell for the hoax that spending more time in the office was "liberation" instead of slavery.

Welcome to your freedom, men. Enjoy it. There is no feeling like it in the world!

Tracking the recession

Here's where you can do that:

First sign up for google alerts:


Then you'l have to enter the following phrases one at a time and
subscribe to them seperately:

subprime loan

housing crunch

oil prices

precious metal prices


From the drop down menu choose Type: "Comprehensive." Then for How often: Once a day.

You'll get daily news and information at the email address you choose to subscribe to which should give you just enough information about the situation. (That's how I got my information.)

Also you can look at the Happy Bachelors sub forums:


Partick.net Hosuing Crunch Blog


From a post made by member thousandmilemargin at the Happy Bachelors Forums:

Financial Sence




Dr Housing Bubble.com


Sites I've found while surfing:

Dollar Collapse


In Debt We Trust


Global Hosuing Crash Forum:


Financial Armageddon


Boom To Bust


Bank Stocks


NYC Housing Bubble Blog


DC Housing Bubble Meter


Housing Bubble Central


Housing Doom


Portland Housing Bubble Blog


Balitmore Housing Bubble Blog


New Jersey Real Estate Report


The Housing Bubble Blog


Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter


National Bubble


There may be hundreds of sites like these out there. I only choose what looked like the
top ones. So if your interested in keeping tabs on the recessions and what's causing it these sites are the best ones to visit.

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