The SCUM Manifesto Project

This I came across while surfing some anti-feminist site. Here's the explanation for the webpages existence :

The SCUM Manifesto was published in New York City in 1967. The author, Valerie Solanas, later became famous for her attempted murder of Andy Warhol. This writing epitomizes (with artistic exaggeration) the fundamental attitude of radical feminism toward the male sex. It is replete with miscellaneous foreshadowings of themes and concepts that have been voiced by a variety of feminists over the years.

Most present-day feminists would deny that Solanas was herself a feminist. Yet plenty of declared feminists in the past have spoken highly of Solanas, and her work has been widely reprinted and anthologized in feminist publications. A movie called "I Shot Andy Warhol" is based upon the events of Valerie Solanas's life, and is widely available on DVD.

Millions of people have never even heard of Valerie Solanas and the SCUM Manifesto, and we believe that this state of affairs needs to be corrected. If you share that opinion, then we would like to enlist your help in making this author and her work universally famous to ALL people from ALL walks of life, EVERYWHERE.

Here's the site:

The SCUM Manifesto - by Valerie Solanas


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