Hurricane Blowback!

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We are finally on the radar screen!

The news comes to you via this article from JJs Garage:

Dealing with Anti-Feminism: The Feminist eZine - Bachelorism

This article is written by Suzanne MacNevin, a female/feminist who is very upset with men who have blamed feminism for their vow to remain bachelors.

The irony is that her emotions, opinions, and logic play right into the hands of the men she is arguing against. She is upset that men blame feminist for all their problems, but then uses the typical feminist blame, shame, and humiliation tactics to make her case - the exact behavior that has given feminist an evil reputation, and the exact behavior that does nothing to dispute the bachelors' logic. In fact, it appears to actually reinforce and validate their argument.

And it just wouldn't be a true anti-male/hate speech if it didn't include some kind of reference to female-on-male violence - a right of passage for female empowerment - to which the writer is more than happy to indulge with a picture of women kicking a man in his face.

The only thing this article did for me was validate the argument for the bachelors.

You go boys!

Yes indeed gentlemen Karama is a real bitch!

His sites links to the article in question with a number of graphics that have been ripped off from MGTOW sites!

I do belive that in the words of professional wrestling announcer Jim Ross business is about to pick up!!

Here's part of the article in question:

Anti-Feminist Beliefs & Criticism

By Suzanne MacNevin - January 2008.

There is a growing plethora of anti-feminist websites out there and there is noticable trends amongst the topics discussed amongst such websites.

One of the leading criticisms is that feminists are out to get pregnant and get alimony/child support payments from their deadbeat dads/husbands.

Which leads me to one conclusion: The primary driving force behind such websites are "Deadbeat Dads" who sometimes write under the guise of a female name.

Oh hell yeah!!!

Go pop open a cold one and pat yourselvs on the back for a job well done!!


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