Man Shortage

This from Spinbuster:

I wish I had a buck every time a raging single female in San Francisco told me, “There are no single men in The City. They’re all either gay, married or losers.” Now I knew lots of available single guys, including myself. So this mantra translated was: “I can’t attract the males I want, therefore I will subtly demean all of them, including you. That way my problem becomes your fault, and I get to unload my dumptruck of psychic crap on you. You, of course -- being male -- are prohibited from defending yourself. That's why we have laws, you know.”

It’s the same interpersonal strategy a three-year-old employs: I can’t Get My Way every instant, therefore You’re an Asshole.

Any chance comment in the workplace could easily cost me my job. It all depended on how any female within hearing range "felt" about it. Ditto for the universities. To varying degrees, they enacted "interpersonal behavior codes." On some campuses, if I even looked at a female I was liable for disciplinary action, including expulsion. Again, it all depended on how any female "felt" about it.

Astoundingly, American females never stopped to consider what their agendas of complete control might have on my desire to interact with them.

he continues:

Where, asked these Baby Boom women, were all the men? I could have told them, of course, where the men were and are, but being already in possession of all correct wisdom -- not to mention Incarnated Goddesses -- no female ever bothered to ask me. To date, not one has. What could I know? I am, after all, only a male.

The men – what’s left of them -- are in hiding, of course. That’s what any refugee population does when war is made on it, and its homeland is laid to Waste. Sister, understand: only the weakest of males serve the totalitarianism of gynocracy. No real man, confronting his betrayal by American culture and femininity, will teach in your schools, for the lessons are false, and he knows he is conditioning more kids – especially more boys – into further betrayals. No real man will drone in your corporations, corrupt collectivities hiding behind the stained skirts of “market forces.” Go to any indigenous town on the planet. The market is the locus of women, their interests and their power. As for the coercive “forces” of the market -- well, modern American men know all about social coercion.

Man shortage? F*ckin' A there’s a man shortage. America rapes anything even vaguely masculine.

Sister, you’ve spent the last four decades codifying masculinity out of existence. You carry our balls in your purse, and now you’re infuriated because we don’t feel like having sex, much less a “relationship”? As recent census figures confirm, men spent the Eighties and Nineties backing away from women, and right now they are in Full Flee -- not in vengeance, but in self-preservation.

Across the Pond, the song’s the same. Five-hundred women responded to an Edinburgh restaurant’s promotion for a Single’s Night mixer in “honor” of Valentine’s Day 2002.
Two males responded. TWO. The owner of the restaurant – a woman – said: “We’re a bit disappointed because we thought we’d get so many more guys than girls – after all, they’d have a room full of single women. But I think men take themselves too seriously these days.”

Ms. Owner Does Not Get It. Western women criminalize masculinity, emasculate their men, assign males fourth-class citizenship (behind females, “their” children, and household pets) – and then are stunned that men are not crawling after them, demanding “relationships?” Single women have spent the last forty years relieving Western men of their jobs, houses, children, money, basic civil rights, and self-respect. Under highly advantaged conditions, enforced by their State, females now “compete” with males for the necessities of survival.

From a position of assigned inferiority, we must deal with over-empowered single females in every facet of our lives. Why would we voluntarily pay to enter a room with FIVE HUNDRED of them gathered in power? For a “romantic relationship?” Under tyranny of the matriarchate's interpersonal, sexual and social Gulag?

Of course, it cannot be that males are simply avoiding females, out of disgust and very real fear. That is an unacceptable conclusion, not to mention inappropriate and offensive.

Despite confirmation by the last American census, Western cultures MUST pretend that nothing is amiss between males and females. To admit that males are desperately seeking escape from females and the neo-matriarchy is to admit that the West’s endless empowerment of females and disempowerment of males may not be the progressive, everybody-wins bonanza that was, and is, shoved down our throats each day.

As Ms. Restaurant Owner smugly asserts, the problem – as ever – is with men. This time, we are “taking ourselves too seriously.” Females and Western feminist cultures, as always, share no responsibility for the sundering of male and female.


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