Rant from The Chauvinist Corner

A Rant from The Chauvinist Corner in response to a femcommie teacher:

There is nothing sadder than seeing a girl come to the realization that her chances of pursuing any future are limited because of her gender.
This is absurd. Class, here is a simple assignment that will show this statement to be false on the face of it: take a pencil and number on your paper from one to ten. Now list beside each number, one thing sadder than having a limited future in the workplace. I will do number one for you. A girl finds out that she has cancer and will be dead in six months. That should appear sadder, even to a feminist. I am sure that the rest of the list will be just as easy for you to compile.

Moving beyond that, it grows tiresome to hear feminists speak of people being limited by the facts of life, as if that were a bad thing. Men are limited in what they can do as well. (Not that you care a bit about that!) Men cannot go up to a prospective employer and say, "You must hire me because I am a man." They have never been able to do that. The very idea of it is absurd. Men have always had to prove themselves worthy of the job and even then they often did not get the position. Intellect, physical prowess, and yes, even gender are valid limiting factors in many occupations. It is time that we stopped being so sad over that fact and once again move into reality.

Lastly, the feminist never sheds any tears over the poor woman who wants to be a homemaker. NEVER! It is not sad to them if she has that dream ripped from her by a society that has no use for those who would create the next generation of civilized human beings.

Government had nothing to do with the emergence of this movement.

This is so far from the truth that it is outrageous! If the government had not become involved first, through the courts, and later though the legislative process, there would be no feminist movement as we know it. Oh sure the lesbians would run around and bellyache that they did not fit into normal society, but nobody would care. It has been the government enforcing feminism that has made it the destructive force that it is today. I remember the sixties. The vast majority of women made a point of saying openly that they were not "Women's Libbers". It was not a popular movement that merely caught on to the masses. It was forced upon us through the government and media propaganda.

I believe that the collective behavior of men towards women produced the conditions from which a heightened sensitivity to women's issues developed.

Of course everyone is entitled to their own belief system. However, what you fail to point out is that no societal system is perfect, and the Leftist has always used imperfection as a wedge for his oppressive view. He always cries out for the "revolution" as if it were going to be pure heaven after he takes over. All during the sixties we heard this refrain, on several fronts. The Leftist was going to make life so much better for woman and everyone. It was far more difficult to sell that lie in America than it was in Russia. In the early 1900s, Russia lived in a poorer society, which was more oppressive under the Czar. In America during the 1950s we had freedom, we had wealth, we had solid families, the BEST schools in the world, a low crime rate, with the accompanying safe neighborhoods, and of course a very bright future before us. The Leftist had to try and find a way to make the very best society that had ever existed on planet earth to appear lacking and in need of change. Without help they could never have pulled it off.

What imperfection did the Leftist find to use against us? Why "the collective behavior of men towards women." Most women of the 1950s were living in luxury that few woman had ever dreamed of in previous centuries. They had nice homes, happy families and many new devices to make the work of caring for the house much easier for them. They had many fellow mothers to associate with, and to help supervise the children during the day, and things had never been better, for such a large portion of women, who had ever lived in any society before. The collective behavior of men was, at that time, to go out and work for their families, paying the bills and staying around to help support and raise the children for life.

To show the Leftist hypocrisy for what it is, what has been the result of the feminist movement upon this superb 1950s society? Today, men and women are divorced almost routinely. Very few marriages last throughout even the childrearing years, let alone through life. Women are forced into the workplace, and through the accompanied side effect of divorce, they are left with having to work full time and in addition to that, try to do the full time job of homemaker, all by themselves. Children no longer have to worry as they "wait till their fathers gets home" if they act up, and so they just act up more. In the teen years they often become very troubling, and even criminal. The one option that the vast majority of women wanted to be able to choose, that of being a good and happy homemaker, has been taken from them, and the Leftist smiles and says, "See what we have done for you?"

That shows clearly that feminism is not about "women's issues." NOW does not speak for women. It speaks for Leftist women only. When a feminist speaks of "women's" issues, he is speaking of issues that only concern Leftist women. Feminists do not care about women. They only care about their agenda, and promoting the destructive ideals of feminism. If killing three quarters of our wonderful women would accomplish that agenda, they would not hesitate to do it. (This was demonstrated during the Carter administration when the feminists were pushing hard to create a female draft, to force unwilling women into dangerous military service.)

What government actually did, however, was to remove (through law) men's options of limiting the futures of women and it brought the status of women into more direct compliance with the constitution.

It never ceases to amaze me that Leftists even refer to the constitution as if it were a document that they valued at all. Every one of their actions is directed at destroying the constitution and then they hold it up and say, "See how much we love the constitution." If you cared a whit about the constitution you would look at what the writers of that constitution practiced, and the laws that they created under it. You will notice that feminism played no part whatsoever in that arena. Women did not have the vote, and there were no laws which tried to limit the freedom of businessmen to run THEIR OWN BUSINESSES as they saw fit. Freedom was the intent, and liberty was the result of our constitution.

So, is it fair, accurate or honest to claim that what has transpired over the last 40 years has brought us into "more direct compliance with the constitution?" It is clear that we have moved in direct defiance of the constitution and its spirit. If society wishes to open the door of its businesses to women, then that is society's choice to make, not the government's. Since the constitution writers did not intend for government to interfere in such matters, obviously your claim that such interference is in line with the constitution is absurd. The constitution was intended to tie the government's hand, and to limit the power it has, so that it could not do what it has been doing recently: oppressing the people.

It is easy to come up with nice sounding excuses for oppression. Just think how fair it would be if we took all the money in the United States and just handed it out equally to all the people. Everyone is equally valuable, and so why shouldn't everyone have exactly the same amount of money? Oh, yes, it is easy to make oppression sound wonderful as the feminists do, but the results of their actions speak louder than all their rhetoric.

Men could no longer treat women with impunity. What a radical idea that women should be extended the same rights as men!

You mean what an absurd idea that women should be extended the same rights as men. Since men and women are different, they have different needs. If the same rights were extended to both sexes, women would, by definition have to be drafted into the military just like men, otherwise men would not the same rights as women. In divorces men would have to have custody of the children as often as woman. The right to a gender specific restroom would be null and void, for what if a man were to continue a business conversation in the restroom, leaving a woman out of it? Women right now are treated differently than men in many ways, by our legal system, and our society. They are treated better in many ways, than men. That is as it should be. If your assertion were taken seriously all of the special consideration for women would instantly disappear, and any legal issue that was considered "women's" would of course be cast aside as ridiculous for there would be no legal differences between two genders that have equal rights.

In a democracy such as ours, you do not have the right to limit anyone for any reason whatsoever.
Really? So, you are saying that I should be able to walk into a company and insist that they give me the CEO position along with the associated paycheck today. If you say no, you are limiting me and according to you, you have no such right. How is it that Leftists can get away with saying such stupid things in public? It is amazing to me.

Of course I have the right to create any limits I choose within my company. If I wish to hire only left-handed redheads, that is my constitutional (as originally written and understood) right! Neither you nor anyone else (especially the US government) has the right to tell me who to hire or promote in a business that I create from my own invested capitol. If I choose to limit women in my business then in a free society I have that right. If I choose to hire only women, I have that right. It is none of the government's business either way. It is a sign of how eagerly you support oppression that you are willing to throw out everyone's freedom in order for the government to make someone else follow your political agenda. That is not American, it is anti-American.

To be more precise it's Communism


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