The Night After

This from the World According To Bob:

Better learn to speak Mexican

The left wingnut media is all smiles today. Their 4-year anti-Republican campaign of constant editorials and misinformation has paid off with a Democratic victory in mid-term elections. "How does this affect the failed Bush policy in Iraq," is not a question, it’s an editorial. It was spoken by the CBS news cunt the day after the election. For the past 4 years the major TV media and most of the print media have been feeding the public a steady diet of aggressive partisan editorializing instead of reporting the news. Even the FOX network talking heads often speak with the same leftist editorial bias instead of honest reporting.

The US House of Representatives will be ruled by San Francisco lesbian feminazi Congresscunt Nancy Pelosi who never met a left wingnut policy she didn't support. Better learn to speak Mexican because Pelosi advocates wide open borders with total amnesty, tax paid benefits, and voting rights for all illegal Mexicans who will now flood our states in ever increasing numbers. Better kiss your family goodbye because Pelosi advocates abandoning marriage, sending fathers to prison, and making two lesbians and a sick child the definition of a decent home. Better forget your constitutional rights, if you are a MAN, because Pelosi supports abrogation of the 2nd Amendment and relegation of MEN to prison or indentured servitude, slavery. If you are a man, not a faggot, better learn to turn around and bend over.

Bob notes that Google only finds about 96 uses of "congresscunt" on the Internet. Notable users of the term "congresscunt" includes the Drudge Report and The World According to Bob. With Pelosi running the Congress you can expect that number to increase significantly over the next 2 years.

Its going to get worse before it gets better. Bob expects it to get so bad that it will eventually collapse from its own weight. Bankruptcy of the US government and currency could happen, probably will happen, and probably lots sooner than most people believe possible. When the financial and precipitated political collapse comes it will be a lot quicker, a lot harder and a lot more violent than most will have imagined. Better learn to speak Mexican. The lesbian feminazi cunts are running the Congress.

and this from "The Other Side of Kim"

Just so we’re all clear on the concept, what future Speaker Pelosi is promising is not a “new” direction: it’s the same old tired neo-Bolshevik direction they’ve always envisioned for this country. Only this time, instead of having a rock-hard Reagan to oppose them, we’ve got the likes of Specter, McCain, and Bush, all looking for ways to compromise.

The White House sent the strong signal this morning that Bush intends to offer a conciliatory message, indicating he will express the desire to work closely with Democrats during the next two years on Iraq and domestic issues such as education and energy.

Yippee. Stronger teachers’ unions and unworkable energy “alternatives” like wind farms (except in Ted Kennedy’s little fiefdom of Martha’s Vineyard, of course).

Say hello to: House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, and Appropriations Committee Chairman Henry Waxman. I’d like to list the other new chairmen, but I don’t have the stomach for it.

Here’s what else we can look forward to:

A Democrat-controlled House removes the major obstacle to a broad immigration bill that includes a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. House Republicans had blocked action on such a proposal, calling it amnesty, but House Democrats can now team with a bipartisan majority in the Senate and with a willing president to pass a bill.

Translation: Zero enforcement, and an amnesty to illegals. Think Waxman’s going to provide funding for the wall? Start brushing up your Spanish.

Democrats will for the first time be positioned to challenge Bush’s conduct of the war while promoting their own idea of a phased withdrawal of 140,000 U.S. troops from Iraq.

Translation: We’re outta there. Good luck, Iraqis; it was fun while it lasted.

“We extend our hand of friendship, fellowship and partnership to the Republicans,” Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid told a victory rally last night. “The only way we can accomplish anything in the Congress is by working in a partisan basis.”

Translation: Give us what we want, or else.

Democrats’ wins in the House, giving them control for the first time since 1995, will alter the agenda on several thorny issues, including key gun legislation such as the assault weapons ban, which lapsed under Republican control but could come back under Democratic control.

Translation: Thought this was a settled issue, did you? Better scoop up those AK-47s while you can, you knuckle-dragging rightwing troglodytes: Sheriff Schumer’s coming to town.


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