An epidemiological view of the marriage strike

Male Samizdat's view on the Marriage Strike (link):

An Epidemiological View of the Marriage Strike

Posted: May 29th, 2007, 7:00am PDT by Male Samizdat

I would like to take a slightly different view of the marriage strike - a epidemiological one.

In the past, one of the best tools public health officials had to combat the spread of disease was the quarantine.
Keep people from mutual contact, and those dirty little germs couldn't propagate.

The two fuels that power the feminist machine are men's money and men's genes. Deny them both, and you can eventually get feminism to die down.

Like all parasites, feminists need a host to thrive. The marriage strike, in effect, quarantines feminists so they cannot propagate through the male population.

Epidemiology is the study of disease in populations, and can be used to analyze feminism with respect to marriage. The epidemiologic triangle is agent, environment, and host. Remove any one of the three and you can stop the spread of the disease. (In this it is similar to the fire triangle of fuel, oxygen, and heat)

The agent is the Western Woman (more specifically, her feminist ideas)

The environment is the popular culture and its accomplices

The host is the American man (not metrosexuals or gays - they are part of the environment)

We cannot directly affect, in this case, agent or environment...but we can remove the host (ourselves) from this travesty of culture disease. Through the marriage strike, we remove ourselves from the agent and the environment, and thus quarantine the agent - the American Woman - until she is free of the disease (changes her views on men) or, in a sociological sense, "dies" (that is, fails to marry and fails to have children). The corollary to this, men, is that we cannot be marrying western women (duh!),. sleeping around, or donating to sperm banks. To paraphrase Duncan Idaho's masthead on Eternal Bachelor, "Give modern women the children they deserve: none."

In public health, dwellings that are hazardous to human health are marked "unfit for human habitation". We might now say that "American women are unfit for human cohabitation".


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