Disenfranchised Males

A post from What Men Are Saying about Women where he quotes Mens News Daily frequent commenter Dennis:

Your gender took that away. Why should men care if society collapses?

Denis said,

“Being forced to rely on one’s weakest skills, being made to feel like a second class citizen and being assigned boring material are all morale busters.”

“According to the National Education Association, only about 25% of U.S. public school teachers are male. Men are discouraged from teaching by low pay and by the stereotype that men who want to work with children or teenagers are pedophiles.”

“The frequent portrayal of men as idiots in commercials and sit-coms can lead boys to have low expectations of themselves.”

You are missing the big picture Eva. There are those morale busters and they are important but they are indicative of bigger issues. Those issues you site do add to the problem, but these issues themselves stem from a bigger problem and male students underperforming is just one result.

For the vast majority of my life this country has had an obsession with meeting not only the needs of girls and women but also an obsession with meeting their wants. This was all based on a lie that women and girls have been disadvantaged in this country by this invisible patriarchy. Men have always done the hard work and men have always done the dying in wartime, and men were always expected to take care of the females. Always.

But because so many of you women for 40+ years bought into the lie of how badly you were treated by the men, and with enforcement by the government, women have far and away all the advantages in both the work world and the family.

Companies for 40+ (years) have been scrambling to hire and promote (women) over the men and that obsession by corporations continues in full force, unabated today. That was a mans primary role: provider. But women and the government see to it that men compete against women with unfair advantage and it is the women who usually win that unfair competition.

In the family, well Eva, let’s just say that you women own the family today. You know it and I know it.

This has been going on for more than 2 generations. The boys you speak of here mostly come from single parent “families”, i.e., sons with a mother but no father present.

In this world, a smarter question would be “why should males really care about anything anymore?”

Your gender has spent 40+ years telling us men you don’t need a man.

OK. You win. We get the message. Actually, we GOT the message a while ago.

Years ago there was a cartoon called Peanuts. You may remember that Lucy would always temp Charlie Brown into kicking the football but at the last minute Lucy pulled away the football and Charlie Brown again would fall on his ass. Charlie Brown always believed Lucy. He always fell on his ass.

Well, men today get it. We know that everything is about girls and women and what they want. Everything wrong in the world is mens fault. Your gender has been trashing us men for decades on that one.

Why the hell should boys and men even bother to get up in the morning?

Yea America will be hurt by ignoring half it’s population. That should not be the concern or responsibility of the men or boys. Why should it be. Your gender has more to lose then the males anyways.

The greatest force that has created civilizations and pushed society forward (all done by men btw) is when men have a stake in their families and society. Men create and work, and propel society forward when they can provide for their families. When men have a stake in society.

Your gender took that away. Why should men care if society collapses?

Unless, of course, all you and the rest of the women care about, is that we men do the fighting and dying to preserve all the perks you have in life these days.

and in the comments section:

darkbhudda said...

I agree. I really do wonder what is the point of getting up in the morning and going to work. A single greedy or insane female can destroy your career with a false sexual harassment claim. Women are promoted above men even when they are not qualified. Then they go and get pregnant. HR makes jokes than most men enjoy being sexually harassed.

I work less than 40 hours a week now. What is the point of working long hours? It is only stolen through taxes to pay for greedy and selfish women.

Chet said...

I've actually thought that for quite some time -- as a male there's nothing in this society for me to care about. Changes to the legal system saw to that. I wouldn't lift a finger to fight for this country; there's nothing here for males worth fighting for.

I wonder if females really understand the predicament they're facing. In the not to distant future, the male-generated resources that currently bolster the females' artificial life style will no longer be available, due to depression and war. Men will fight for themselves, neither defending nor caring about women. Then let their collective female whining fall on the ears of men and boys who endured the haughtiness, mocking and derision these females displayed.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely spot on about the motivation that Men have in our current Western culture. Boys from their youngest years are treated like future abusers, rapists,criminals and thugs. It was not always like this. Add to that financial subsidies in Female only Scholarships and you have the current demotivated Male populace. Men must realize that we don't have to settle for our second class status. We can go expat take our skills, capital and know how where it is wanted and where Women appreciate us for more than just a check or paying the invoice.

Outsourcing can be done to our overpriced, artificially priced Women. There are acceptable substitutes we can utilize to meet our love and Familial needs. Live outside the US somewhere where Spanish, Eastern European, or Asian Languages are spoken. Live there for just two years. It will completely change your perspective on life. US Women in particular fear this so much, they added a Tarrif so to speak to the reauthorization of the VAWA.

Don't follow their script. Write your own and think outside the box. Join the Marriage Strike and refuse to spawn an annuity. You are under no obligation to support your own oppression, NONE. Living well and being happy in this Vale of Tears is the best revenge.


Denis said,


Well, the following should give a little insight of the inner working of Eva’s brain:

Eva Ellsworth wrote:

You wrote, “Your gender has spent 40+ years telling us men you don’t need a man.” I am sick and tired of being blamed for something I DIDN’T DO and that most women didn’t support. Most women were fine with men being the providers, but were told that it was unaccceptable to want to be a wife and mother and that, if a woman didn’t excel in college and at careers, she was a failure and a burden. Men didn’t exactly complain when women went to work and brought men their paychecks. Most men show no signs of wanting to be providers.

Well too damn bad Eva. YOUR GENDER…e.g., FEMALES brought this situation about, both through action and inaction. Most women bought into feminism early and many women support it today-even if they don’t want to be CALLED feminists. Most women have at least one unfair perk they don’t want to give up. Until that little perk becomes an issue these women appear normal and even fair. We men supported equal rights for women. Who told you it was unacceptable to be wives and mothers? Not men. It was the feminists. And you believed them why again? How is THAT my fault or problem? And when things went too far, women, including yourself waited until the bottom of the 12th inning to say one word about the unfairness. And mainly because men were starting to get noticeably hostile. (stick around-it’s gonna get a LOT worse).

(Some people call it The Backlash, I call it Hurricane Blowback!)

If you are sick and tired of hearing about uncomfortable truths that is not my problem. Get used to it. I don’t respond well to whining women. Especially American women.

“Years ago there was a cartoon called Peanuts. You may remember that Lucy
would always temp Charlie Brown into kicking the football but at the
last minute Lucy pulled away the football and Charlie Brown again would
fall on his ass. Charlie Brown always believed Lucy. He always fell on
his ass.” That is what happened to women. The goal posts were moved, so that being homemakers was no longer acceptable to society. We accomodated and worked our asses off only to learn that was unacceptable to men.

Oh PLEASE! Who the hell said being a homemaker was not acceptable? Feminists. Not men. We men don’t have any problem with hard work either and we recognize it and accept it in women when it occurs. No man I have ever known, and that includes myself, has complained about something earned fairly. As a guy, in my lifetime, there have been far more examples-far more-of incompetent women getting ahead for one reason: their anatomy.

“Well, men today get it. We know that everything is about girls and women
and what they want. Everything wrong in the world is mens fault. Your
gender has been trashing us men for decades on that one.” I can see from your comments that you have no clue what women, (normal women, not hard core gender feminists), want. I haven’t heard any women in real life, say “everything,” (or anything for that matter), is men’s fault. Maybe you should turn off “The View” or whatever you are watching.

Yea right. It’s easy to see things as not so bad when it’s your side that is not on the receiving end of the unfairness and injustice. And like a typical American woman you presume to know me so well that you are convinced I could not know “normal women”. Please. It is the normal women who now make up the 8 in 10 who initiate divorce (in a 50+ divorce rate culture). I know of many men who went down this road. Yea they were normal alright. And they knew exactly how to maximize their return on that deal. I could site plenty of differing examples with the same message-women take advantage of their advantages when they need to or want to. Because they can. Women know those advantages are out there. We men know those advantages are out there for women too. We also know that we men have no such advantages. Funny, when women were yapping and complaining in the 60s and 70s men could not jump to their aid fast enough. All men get today from women (and you are yet another example-*yawn*) is whining. And no empathy. Your problem is that you are an American woman.

Since you blame all women for the actions of a few feminists, do you also blame all whites for slavery.

Actually I blame feminists for injustice against blacks. Modern feminism started with the WKKK and the discrimination and hatred of blacks since the Civil War and the end of slavery falls squarely on the early feminists and the suffragetes. Feminists, along with all those duped “normal” women who have spread feminism’s destruction throughout this country have done far more damage to American society than any other group. For more on this go to “Margaret Sanger-More Feminist Hate” at [http://mensnewsdaily.com/wp/index.php?s=margaret+sanger]

When you read it, be sure to not blow a gasket. The truth is sometimes hard to handle.

And as far as the for women being bashed by men to abandon thier roles as wives and mothers I once again reach into the archives and pull out this page from the defunct David Throop Men's Issues page:

Selected quotes on abolishing the traditional family
Gerry Harbison harbison@xxxxxx.xxx.xxx writes

Some feminists object to the nuclear family. Some examples

Judith Stacey
The belief that married-couple families are superior is probably the most pervasive prejudice in the Western world.

Toni Morrison:
The little nuclear family is a paradigm that just doesn't work

Barbara Ehrenreich, as quoted by Stephen Chapman, from Time:

"Only with the occasional celebrity crime do we allow ourselves to think the nearly unthinkable: that the family may not be the ideal and perfect living arrangement after all -- that it can be a nest of pathology and a cradle of gruesome violence," she writes. "Even in the ostensibly 'functional,' nonviolent family, where no one is killed or maimed, feelings are routinely bruised and often twisted out of shape. There is the slap or the put-down that violates a child's shaky sense of self, the cold, distracted stare that drives a spouse to tears, the little digs and rivalries."
Ms. Ehrenreich extols the "long and honorable tradition of 'anti-family' thought," waxing nostalgic for those early feminists who regarded marriage as just another version of prostitution. This deeply defective institution "can hardly be the moral foundation of everything else," she argues, pining for the day when "someone invents a sustainable alternative."

And of course our own Gordon Fitch....

"The nuclear family is a hotbed of violence and depravity."
[Gordon Fitch clarifies his statement. -DRT]

Note that none of the authors above said 'traditional male-dominated family'. It is evidently not the religious right model they object to, but any nuclear family.

This is an intellectually legitimate viewpoint, although I claim I am entitled to object to suggestions that the family is intrinsically some sort of concentration camp, in the same way *anyone* is entitled to object to a blanket condemnation of the way they live. The dishonesty is in feminists pretending that there is not a significant anti-family movement in feminism. It suggests a stealth campaign, in which the real agenda is concealed.

And by way of sheaffer@xxxxxxx.com (Robert Sheaffer)

From Female Liberation by Roxanne Dunbar.

"How will the family unit be destroyed? ... the demand alone will throw the whole ideology of the family into question, so that women can begin establishing a community of work with each other and we can fight collectively. Women will feel freer to leave their husbands and become economically independent, either through a job or welfare."

From article, "Is Marriage the Answer?" by Barbara Findlen, Ms magazine, May-June, 1995:

"Feminists have long criticized marriage as a place of oppression, danger, and drudgery for women."

From Sisterhood Is Powerful, Morgan (ed), 1970 p. 537.

"The Feminists -v- The Marriage License Bureau of the State of New York...All the discriminatory practices against women are patterned and rationalized by this slavery-like practice. We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage."

From Phyllis Chesler, Women and Madness, p. 294

"most mother-women give up whatever ghost of a unique and human self they may have when they 'marry' and raise children."

Alice Walker in "Embracing the Dark and the Light," Essence, July 1982. As cited in Andrea Dworkin's "Right-Wing Women":

"...I submit that any sexual intercourse between a free man and a human being he owns or controls is rape."

The context of the quote in RWW makes it clear that marriage is such a form of control

Lenore Walker, speaking at a Laguna Beach conference, as reported in the SF Chronicle:

"Our research and most other studies show that wife-battering occurs in 50 percent of families throughout the nation."

The SF Chronicle comments, "Only the most crazed man-hater could believe that." [I suspect it has more to do with hating marriage than hating men - DRT]

Lenore Walker, after visiting one of the early shelters for battered
women, wrote:

"I was struck by what a beneficial alternative to the nuclear family this arrangement [communal housing and child raising] was for these women and children." (p.195) The Battered Woman

Andrea Dworkin:

"Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Rape, originally defined as abduction, became marriage by capture. Marriage meant the taking was to extend in time, to be not only use of but possession of, or ownership."

Contributed by rodvan@xxxxxx.com (Rod Van Mechelen):

Functions of the Family, Linda Gordon, WOMEN: A Journal of Liberation, Fall, 1969.

"The nuclear family must be destroyed, and people must find better ways of living together. ... Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process. ... "Families have supported oppression by separating people into small, isolated units, unable to join together to fight for common interests. ...

"Families make possible the super-exploitation of women by training them to look upon their work outside the home as peripheral to their 'true' role. ... No woman should have to deny herself any opportunities because of her speical responsibilities to her children. ... Families will be finally destroyed only when a revolutionary social and economic organization permits people's needs for love and security to be met in ways that do not impose divisions of labor, or any external roles, at all."

Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone; E. P. Dutton
In fucking, as in reproduction, sex and economics are inextricably joined. In male-supremacist cultures, women are believed to embody carnality; women are sex. A man wants what a woman has--sex. He can steal it [prostitution], lease it over the long term marriage [marriage in the United States], or own it outright [marriage in most societies]. A man can do some or all of the above, over and over again.

Note please that 8 out of the 9 names that appear on the list are women.

So there you have it. Women are their own agents of unhappiness. I may or may not write something else in a few minutes.


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