Effect of Feminism on a society

A post from the comments section of What Men Are saying about Women:

Anonymous said...

The problem with feminism is that it never sought
to improve emotional or psychological relations
between men and women, or to cultivate genuine respect
for women. Instead, it sought to grant women
"freedoms" that are artificial and self-destructive

that are merely allow women to have a superficial
resemblance of equality.

But because men and women are so incredibly different, equality cannot possibly mean treating one exactly like the other, any more than
feeding both humans and plants plant food is a practice of genuine equality.
Real equality means accepting people as they are and giving them what they need, not demanding that they all be alike, because it is impossible to make people exactly like each other.

Under the guise of gender equality, women are now
made to work as long and as hard as men, which
seriously impacts their physical and psychological
health, and yet they STILL have the responsibility to
raise their children just as they did before. And
because children will always need their mothers (and
fathers too) to stay home and take care of them, all
this "equality" has done is deprive children of their
mothers and cruelly work women like slaves. Now,
instead of having no fathers, children don't have
mothers either.

At the heart of this is a much more insidious,
subtle form of patriarchy. Women's "rights" were
fiercely supported by the business elite (all of whom
were men at the time women's rights became an issue),
because it meant that they could double the size of
their workforce of women had to work, and yet make a
single family wage entirely unsustainable - the dream
of all unscrupulous tycoons and moguls since time

And their dream has arrived - Americans,
particulaly American women, work as hard or harder
than many women in third world nations.

We should go back to the way it used to be - that
women COULD work if they wished, but didn't have to
and were encouraged, in particular, to avoid
occupations that were physically demanding or
dangerous - because most women simply don't have the
physical strength, endurance and reflexes to deal with
such danger. Men too were discouraged from certain
types of work - nannies, caregivers, and so forth -
because men lack the emotional resilience and
softheartedness that women possess.

The core of my argument is therefore that people
should follow their own nature - the attempt to
masculinize women and feminize men has only led us to
the disaster that is modern life.


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