Anit-Male DV Law Passes In Texas

Well in the bad news department Glenn Sacks writes at Mens News Daily that a new anti-male domestic violence law was passed by Texas voters:

Background: In my co-authored column, From a Felony to a Phone Call: Texas Prop 13 Will Allow Innocent Men to Be Jailed Without Bail (Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Austin-American Statesman, 10/22/07), Mike McCormick, Executive Director of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children, and I criticized a Texas Proposition which drew wide support from many state newspapers. Unfortunately, our column was the only published opposition I saw, against a slew of editorials and op-eds in favor.

Reflecting again the weakness of our movement, Proposition 13 passed with Texas voters by a wide margin on Tuesday. Proposition 13 is a dangerous measure which will harm innocent men by greatly eroding the rights of those accused of domestic violence. The measure grants judges the ability to hold without bail those accused of nonviolent, trivial, or accidental violations of temporary restraining orders.

Under current Texas law, the only defendants ineligible for bail are those accused of capital crimes. In addition, judges are provided discretion to deny bail to those who have been both charged with a felony and convicted or indicted for a previous felony. To deny bail, there must be “evidence substantially showing the guilt of the accused.”

Prop 13 obliterates this, and opens the road for many innocent men to be held without bail. Like many states, Texas has adopted aggressive arrest procedures on domestic violence calls. The result has been that men are sometimes arrested for misdemeanor domestic violence based on thin evidence. After the arrest, Emergency Protective Orders are entered against the accused, typically barring him from going home or having any contact with his children. Fathers can violate the orders by innocent acts such as calling their own children, accidentally running into them and their mother in the mall, or going to their Little League games.

Under Prop 13, judges will have the power to incarcerate without bail men who violate their EPOs. Moreover, the Proposition lowers the evidence standard from Substantial Showing to Preponderance of the Evidence, which can rapidly degenerate into a “he said/she said” contest that men usually lose.

Even worse, Prop 13 also encourages the legislature to pass a law which would allow fathers who violate temporary ex parte protective orders to be jailed without bail. Women can obtain these orders by claiming their male partners abused them, and the men are then booted out of their own homes without ever having a chance to defend themselves in court.

To learn more about Proposition 13, click here

and in the comments section:

college activist said,

…Feminist run domestic violence training is taking place in many police jurisdictions. They sit down all the officers..and like a mother scolding her children, they tell these officers that if they are arresting more than 2% women in domestic violence situations.."they're doing it wrong"

..So in order to meet the feminist 2% DV quotas, police are manipulateing who did what, and or holding men in jail until they plead guilty to a lessor charge of something they simply did't do!!

..Dr. Warren Farrel in his book "The myth of male power" states that some jurisdiction persue the feminist DV quotas..while others just do their jobs as officers of the law!!…

We need a bold investigateive journalist to go undercover and expose this…………"" equal protection of the law gap""
November 10, 2007 at 9:39 pm

TheManOnTheStreet said,

Now Now Glenn, according to Amanda, you are just a proponent for wife beaters. And this sort of law will put all those wife beaters and rapists in jail where they belong! You wouldn't want all these abused women not to have protection now would you?

November 11, 2007 at 6:22 am

JamesH said,


from what I can gather is that it is OK to jail alleged male DV offenders, but as far as alleged female offenders go. They are innocent.

What is becoming extremely apparent is that the DV industry in particular is more interested in punative action, rather than preventative action. Of course, to take preventative action would mean closely examining all the contribuiting factors which may lead to physical DV. Unfortunately things like emotional and psychological abuses do not leave bruises. So such behaviour tends to be more covert.

Erin Pizzey labelled them as the "Family Terrorist". In communist regimes a person just had to be accused of being a 'dissident' and they could be jailed or set to 're-education centres' for most of their lives.

Today communism is alive and well when all takes is an allegation of abuse to have only men locked up and removed from their houses. The war on terror is happening with the feminist El Quieda, in living rooms of houses.

November 11, 2007 at 1:00 pm

Roger Knight said,

I am afraid we will just have to wait until enough people experience this tyranny first hand before body politics such as Texas finally get a clue.

November 11, 2007 at 2:43 pm

mruffolo said,

I was jailed for yelling during a disagreement with my wife.

Though I had about ten years experience and the a couple of graduate degrees, the battery charge showed up on all employment searches, making it nearly impossible to make it to the second round of job interviews at a large, reputable company.

It took about 2.5 years and about $1,500 to "expunge" the public record. The government's private record of the matter remains permanently.

I have heard from many men that received beatings from their wives (some mentioned they were bleeding), and when they called 911, the police arrested the man.

Additionally, I live in a large, liberal city so hear the man-is-abusive-to-me-story from women, yet these women do not mention blood or broken arms or black eyes or bruses. The women only say he was "abusive."

With Hillary Rodham Clinton as President, I expect tougher DV laws then the "boys club" has passed.

November 11, 2007 at 3:50 pm

college activist said,

..A couple thoughts on tempering the domestic violence hysteria!!

Domestic violence is the fem's gravy train..which gives them more money for more agit-prop…which gets them more money..We'll call this the domestic violence gravy train circle..or wheel… if you prefer!!

..Men need to grab onto these new studies and like a pit bull that locks it's jaws and doesn't let go…press for equal rights under the law for men!!

..Send these new studies to newspapers..legislators..colleges..ect.ect.
Demand equal protection under the law!!

November 11, 2007 at 4:58 pm

and the clincher:

Robert Stevens said,

People are generally unaware and unconcious about voting for such things as proposition 13. The fault for the passage of this blantanly anti-man, anti-male and unconstitutional piece of crap they want to call law, is that the fathers/mens rights movement has not educated people. People are basically ignorant about the law and the often malicious intent of those who want to pass them.

The fathers rights/mens rights/ family law reform movement needs to get busy bringing the hard, politically incorrect and just down right ugly intent of the feminist out into the open. We need to demonstrate just why laws like propostion 13 need to be defeated and not only that, repeal and do away with most of the so called domestic violence laws. No… I not in favor of harming women. We just need to go back to the constitution, ie "Real Law" We don't have any special provisions in the law to solely protect women. The old common law standard of an injured party making claim should be enough.

That, folks is equal protection and that is the "real law", That would restore the balance in the law, women could no longer start a fight then run to the law. If it is proven she started the fight and attacked man. She is arrested and charged with good old fashioned and the very constitutional charge of " assault and battery" If it is the opposite circumstance, then charge the man with the same assault and battery. If she lies about these thing , we charge her with perjury and in Texas. that carries a fine of 10,000 and two years in prison. Enforce the real law and do away with this racket they have created.

The women may not like it and the those that make their living off this racket would be out of a job, but it would restore balance. Women would have to "grow up" socially. legally and morally. We could restore marriage and the family unit.

We could then have room to lock up real criminals. We could free up millions of dollars to do what is really needed, ie make sure our people don't go hungry or without a home. REbuild the economy and do away with out of control government spending. Infact bring some the some of the bastards who started this little rebellion up on charges of high treason against fathers and their children.

We would one day have a safe , healthy and growing society. A vibrant economy where people can make a living, very low taxes and government servants , who act just like they know they are servants.

November 11, 2007 at 6:24 pm

daveinga said,

this is crazy. has the whole country gone mad?

since i was a young boy there has been talk of the "end times". the more i watch this bunch of half men butt (c*nt) kissing fools the more i come to believe.

texas - of all places. got women killing children by the dozens and getting off by claiming to be crazy. but let a man raise his voice to his wife, or be in her way, and he could spend more time in jail than the whole bunch of child killers put together.

2012 end of days sounds about right. right at the end of hitlery's reign of terror.

November 11, 2007 at 6:24 pm


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