An offer for a book

Well, I've been pretty busy the last few days and just saw that several of my post had comments! Including this comment on the story about Bill Cosby's new book:

Christina said...

Hi Mezz,

Would you like a copy of the book for review? We'd love to have your opinion!

Christina Stewart

Hello. Thanks for stopping by. Depending on how you deliver your book I might take you up on that offer. Please let me know if you'll send the book by Internet or by postal mail.

The only reason I ask is becuase as you can see by this site I'm an anti-feminist (notice I didn't say anti-female.)

Becuase of this I must keep my real identity, unfortunately.

Let me know how you'll be sending this book and I'll send you a reply.

Ps. I see that you wanted 100 bloggers exactly where are you at numbers wise as far as the total number of bloggers you've gotten so far? I might be able to assist you in spreading the word and getting more reviews.

Thanks again for stopping by.

And as for my readers it's very late. I may or may not do one more post before I call it a night.

So for now until next time..


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