21st Century gentleman Rules of Engagement

Rob Case started is blogging for this month and has reposted a good idea for how to publicly interact with women made by a commenter over at the blog of activist/columnist Glenn Sacks:

21st Century Gentleman's Rules of Engagement

Richard C. August:

January 27th, 2008 at 9:02 am

What do men actually owe women, if we owe them anything at all? All we owe women is our love and attention, and enough respect to realize that without women, sons cannot be born to become men themselves. If these women are our wives, and not our ex-wives, we owe them financial support and care. If these women are our daughters, we owe them continued love and financial support only until they can financially support themselves.

Anything beyond that, and we owe women only one thing -- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I repeat, WE OWE WOMEN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Oh, I correct myself. We do owe women one or two things:

We owe them first an apology for even bothering with them, and second, we owe them the man's #1 rule for survival in the world of women. That is to NEVER TOUCH A WOMAN WHO IS NOT A FAMILY MEMBER, UNLESS IT IS YOUR JOB TO TOUCH HER (e. g. Fireman, Hairdresser, Policeman, Doctor, Actor, Rescue Worker/EMT) OR UNLESS THE WOMAN IS IN IMMEDIATE PHYSICAL NEED THAT REQUIRES TOUCHING HER TO RELIEVE A PHYSICAL CONDITION (e. g. administering First Aid, rescuing her, picking her up after a fall, or relief from a physical handicap). Above all that, NEVER TOUCH A WOMAN SEXUALLY UNLESS SHE IS YOUR WIFE!!!

Other rules for survival in the world of women are:

• Never touch or handle a woman unless she is one of your own family members, or she has an immediate medical or physical need due to a first-aid emergency or physical handicap. Hands off!!

• If you must touch a woman, try to do so in a public area with other people watching, and be extremely circumspect where on her body and how you touch her.

• Always be polite and direct and pointed in your communications with any woman. Never use foul language in her presence. Never use double entendres with her. Do not beat around the bush.

• Again, never cuss or swear or use foul language in a woman’s presence, no matter what language she uses.

• Never be alone with a woman unless she is your wife. If she is not your wife, and she wants to be alone with you, politely refuse and either get into a public area, or leave if you are able. GET PUBLIC, or GET AWAY.

• If you and a woman are alone in an office at work, keep that door open wide. If you can, ensure that another co-worker or co-manager is present with both of you.

• Do not proposition any woman for anything.

• Do not discuss sex, religion, politics, or feminism with her, unless the forum for such discussion is open and public and in the presence of many people.

• If a woman offers you a date, politely refuse. Give her the brush!

• If you and a woman are at a party, make sure that you remain among groups of people, and that your own behavior is circumspect. Take pride in yourself and how you act in such a situation.

• If you and a woman are at a party, stay sober, PERIOD, as drunkenness can cause you to say or do something you will regret later.

• If you and a woman are at a night club or party, dance with her only with extreme caution and discretion, remembering at all times that the woman is to remain HANDS OFF except as stated above.

• Ensure that any potential for "romance" or "passion" are negated or eliminated, especially in public.

• Except as manners and customs absolutely demand it, DON'T GIVE A WOMAN ANYTHING AS A GIFT.

• If a woman needs a ride, call a cab for her if you must. Then, get away as fast as you can, or, if you and she cannot get away, make sure that you ride with a third person. THIS IS A MUST!

• Keep all arguments with a woman to a calm and logical minimum. If the arguments get physical, get away NOW!! RUN!!! Do the right thing, and get as far away from the physically violent situation as time and distance will allow.

• If you work with a woman who is an egotistical, power-hungry man-hater, just do whatever she says to you to do, and otherwise avoid her. Do not stay around her. Remember, anything you do with her only feeds her ego, even if all she does is call you a “wimp” or a “wuss.” If you beat her, then that only enables her to say what a violent person you are. If you ignore her, she will only tell her friends what an impotent wuss you are. But if you do what she says, and otherwise avoid her, all she can say about you is that you are indifferent to her, but are otherwise a fair worker.

• Never, ever comment about a woman’s appearance, hair, perfume, or body.

• Never have sex with a woman unless she is your wife. Never even proposition any woman who is not married to you for sex at all. If you are propositioned by a woman for sex, politely but directly refuse, unless she is your wife.

• If you are married, stay married and stay in it for the long haul, even if you have to stay married for the sake of the children. Children need both parents, as well as the Hillary Clinton “Village,” to be raised happy and healthy, provided both parents are neither violent nor abusive.

• If your marriage is gone sour, get counseling from a qualified marital counselor.

• If your marriage is undergoing a divorce, get a qualified lawyer of exceptional quality and GO ON THE ATTACK!! Do not pander to your ex-wife’s whims, and do not let your ex-wife or her lawyer turn you into a wimp. The best defense is an awesome attack, and you must first go after her lawsuit – and yours – with bravado and thought and vindictiveness, first attacking her credibility and then attacking her reasoning for requesting child support for a child that is SUPPOSED to be YOURS, and for alimony in these days of working women.

• If you are married or undergoing a divorce, never, EVER let your guard down, not even during the sex act!!

• Remember, anything she does or says to you is her business, but whatever you do or say to her is both of your business, and that if you do or say anything to her that she deems unwelcome, she will GIVE YOU THE BUSINESS!!


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