Bond - Non Profit African American Fathers Group

Here's more about Bond directly from thier web site:

Rev. Peterson is the Founder and President of the national nonprofit organization BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny, whose purpose is “Rebuilding the Family By Rebuilding the Man”. He is also the author of the book, “SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America”. Rev. Peterson is also a TV host and highly sought-after speaker.

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(Above: the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson)

I also saw this in the upper left hand corner of their web site:

The organization is still $90,000 short of meeting our budget with just days left in the year, and we really need your financial support to continue the important work we are doing. If at all possible, please consider a tax-deductible Christmas donation of $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000 to help us continue our fight for the family and America—in other words, for you!

Please consider making a donation to us today, or better yet, make a monthly pledge. BOND is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. To maintain our independence, we’ve never asked for or received taxpayer money, so your financial support is absolutely vital.

call 1-800-411-BOND (2663) with your MasterCard or Visa. You can also send a check or money order to BOND, P.O. Box 35090, Los Angeles, CA 90035-0090. Please write “E-Dec” in the note section of your check.

BOND also excepts donations of stocks, real estate, and automobiles. If you are interested in making a donation of one of these items, call BOND at (800) 411-BOND (2663) and ask for Director of Development Patrick Rooney.

If you are unable to give in one of the above amounts, then we’d certainly appreciate a financial gift of any amount.

I don't know if they still need help but there's the info. If you would like to find out more about them please visit thier homepage:



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