Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature

The horror we all instinctively feel at these stories is the intuitive recognition that men are not uniform, that the species, mankind, is uniquely characterized by a high degree of variety, diversity, differentiation; in short, inequality.

An egalitarian society can only hope to achieve its goals by totalitarian methods of coercion; and, even here, we all believe and hope the human spirit of individual man will rise up and thwart any such attempts to achieve an ant-heap world. In short, the portrayal of an egalitarian society is horror fiction because, when the implications of such a world are fully spelled out, we recognize that such a world and such attempts are profoundly antihuman; being antihuman in the deepest sense, the egalitarian goal is, therefore, evil and any attempts in the direction of such a goal must be considered evil as well.

The above except comes from an article found at Lew debunking the theory of equality. (Hat Tip: tba) If you would like to read the rest just visit Lew Rockwell's site to see the entire article:

Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature

by Murray N. Rothbard


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