The Real Che Guevara Wont Ya Please Stand Up

Why the word needs to be spread about communist thugs like this guy (link):

Annoying as the Che adulation is, a recent comment by a 14-year-old on an online movie message board was truly disturbing: "I just saw The Motorcycle Diaries, (link) (link) which further made me question: Why is communism bad? . . . Young people are told how bad communism is, but we are not told why. . . . The Motorcycle Diaries showed me how Ernesto Guevara wanted to help people. . . . But this did not explain why he was such a 'bad' person and apparently deserved to be murdered by the U.S."

So let's dive into the cult of personality that is Che Guevara.

First a bit of intro from Alvaro Vargas Llosa (link)

Che Guevara, who did so much (or was it so little?) to destroy capitalism, is now a quintessential capitalist brand. His likeness adorns mugs, hoodies, lighters, key chains, wallets, baseball caps, toques, bandannas, tank tops, club shirts, couture bags, denim jeans, herbal tea, and of course those omnipresent T-shirts with the photograph, taken by Alberto Korda, of the socialist heartthrob in his beret during the early years of the revolution, as Che happened to walk into the photographer’s viewfinder—and into the image that, thirty-eight years after his death, is still the logo of revolutionary (or is it capitalist?) chic. Sean O’Hagan claimed in The Observer that there is even a soap powder with the slogan “Che washes whiter.”

It is customary for followers of a cult not to know the real life story of their hero, the historical truth. (Many Rastafarians would renounce Haile Selassie if they had any notion of who he really was.) It is not surprising that Guevara’s contemporary followers, his new post-communist admirers, also delude themselves by clinging to a myth—except the young Argentines who have come up with an expression that rhymes perfectly in Spanish: “Tengo una remera del Che y no sé por qué,” or “I have a Che T-shirt and I don’t know why.

here's his résumé (link)

* Chief executioner for the Castro regime, responsible for the murder of thousands

* Was appointed Cuba's Minister of Economics in 1960; within months the Cuban peso was practically worthless.

* Was appointed Cuba's Minister of Industries in 1961; within a year a previously prosperous nation was rationing food, closing factories, and losing hundreds of thousands of its most productive citizens, who were happy to flee with only the clothes on their backs.

A summary on the book Exposing the Real Che Guevara
goes a bit futher into the matter (link):

A masterfully written critical biography of the iconic communist revolutionary, and an expose of the ignorants who lionize him (link) by Humberto Fontova. (He has appeared on many radio and television shows and is active in the Cuban American community.)

Nearly four decades after his death, it's impossible to avoid the image of Ernesto "Che" Guevara everywhere from T-shirts to cartoons. Liberals consider Che a revolutionary martyr who gave his life to help the poor of Latin America. Time named him one of the one hundred most influential people of the last century. And a major Hollywood movie is about to lionize him to a new generation.

The reality, as we learn from Cuban exile Humberto Fontova, is that Che wasn't really a gentle soul and a selfless hero. He was a violent Communist who thought nothing of firing a gun into the stomach of a woman six months pregnant whose only crime was that her family opposed him. And he was a hypocrite who lusted after material luxuries while cultivating his image as a man of the people.

Fontova reveals that Che openly talked about his desire to use nuclear weapons against New York City. Such was Che's bloodthirsty hatred that Fontova considers him the godfather of modern terrorism.

by thew way Che really loved his job (link):

Hard-Working Firing Squads

Che's initial headquarters was the massive La Cabana fortress in Havana where his firing squads literally worked in shifts, their work occasionally slowed when Che's hand and wrist needed a rest from signing death warrants. Che had a slab-stone wall of his office turned into a picture window so he could enjoy watching the firing squads at work. Che's pattern of killing seems to suggest an erotic motive rather than an ideological or a juridical one. Most people, fortunately, prefer more salubrious kinds of sexual excitement. Killing seemed to do it for Che; killings he performed personally or merely ordered.

A Cuban woman whose husband had merely been a policeman and in no way a "war criminal" under Batista was sentenced to death by firing squad. She somehow succeeded in making her way into Che's office to plead for his life. He listened, then without saying a word to her picked up the phone and barked orders for his execution to be moved up to that very night. He heard the plea of a young boy prisoner who told Che his mother needed his meager earnings for support. Che murdered him on the spot. Che got annoyed when a group of women gathered outside the prison to claim the bullet-ridden bodies of their husbands. Che yelled there'd be no "visits" that night and had his goons tear-gas the widows. These are only a sprinkling of the less gruesome tales of Che; all are well corroborated.

and to find out more about THE REAL Che Guevara

Mugshot of a Murderer (link)

Che Guevara RIP (link)

Of Che Guevara and "Constitutional Rights" (link)

'Cool' Icon Che Guevara Was a Murderous Thug, Author Says (link)

Che Guevara's Dubious Legacy (link)

The Death of Che Guevara: Declassified (link),6903,1258340,00.html


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