Decline of the Human Family

A article and dvd about the falling birth rates:

Population Boom or Bust?

Not only have these theories been debunked, but the exact opposite is coming true. The world fertility rate has decreased a full 50% in as many years and is heading for a population free-fall whose dire consequences will only begin to play out in the coming years. This and more are demonstrated in a recent DVD put out by SRB Documentary, LLC, titled: Demographic Winter: The Decline of the Human Family.

The film discusses the problem and shows that its main causes are all linked to the Cultural Revolution that has radically changed society’s views on divorce, the role of women and sexual permissiveness. This shift in mentality has made children less desirable.

Particularly interesting is the film’s conclusion that the more prosperous a modern society becomes, the more its fertility rate declines. In other words, those societies with most means of supporting large families are unwilling to do so. Unlike times past, when those who had more felt obliged to give more, modern society has bred greed and egotism together with affluence.

These causes will not be easy to solve. It is not politically correct even to speak about them. As one of the documentary’s narrators states:

As a society, we do not like to talk about the causes of fertility decline. We don’t want to possibly offend other people. The really chilling thing about Demographic Winter, is that none of these causes can be easily fixed. It’s who we are, who we have become increasingly in these post-modern times.

The site for the DVD and promotional clip can be found here:


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