A Letter To Women

Not like most of 'em are gonna listen but here it is anyway from
Men's News Daily (link):

By Paul Elam | Aug 2, 2009

If you take an honest look at the academic environment to which our boys are subjected, you will see that their masculinity itself is under attack with ideology that teaches them they are inherently flawed.

Christina Hoff Sommers documented this in her highly recommended book “The War Against Boys.” She writes, “The pedagogy is designed to valorize females, such as teaching history in a woman-centered way. Boys are to be inspired to revere Anita Hill and to “enjoy” quilting. At the same time, schools discourage activities that are natural and traditional to boys, such as playing ball together.”

She goes on to say, with sad but pinpoint accuracy, “Most parents have no idea what their children are facing in the gender-charged atmosphere of the public schools.”

What Sommers didn’t add to that but I will is the fact that most parents have no idea about this because they choose not to.

As girls and girls programs increasingly flourish, boys are falling to the sidelines in ever growing numbers.

The results of that are chilling.

Boys are more likely than ever to drop out of school and engage in delinquency and other problems. They are representing less college graduates every year. With this diminishing education and wholesale marginalization, they are on a fast track to being the “second sex,” that position that so many feminists touted as the greatest evil of human history when they claimed it applied to women.

This is the lasting legacy of spitting on men. Your sons will not be the exception.

Here's something from the commnets section:

Posted by Denis
August 3rd, 2009

I would encourage all readers to read the following.


If men want equality..fairness…respect…they will have to fight for it.

That will mean confronting women.

This is LONG overdue.

Men that behave like doormats will be treated like doormats.

Confronting women everywhere…at home…on the job…at political events…everywhere…is a lot easier than many of you men think.

Just f***ing do it.


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