Black Liberals Denying the Past

This from Men's News Daily:

John Lewis, like most of the power whores who rule the media’s portrayal of blacks, can’t abide the truth. Nothing in the advertisment is false, not one word. The Right Reverend Joseph Lowry is a liar or is misinformed if he can say that Republicans believe either or those two falsehoods, particularly the Liberal propaganda myth that we Republicans favor the rich over the poor. That has never been the case and anyone who makes that claim is a liar, pure and simple.

There is no doubt that King was not a Conservative, favoring as he did socialism over capitalism and while it is true that many of the old Dixiecrats did become Republicans, many refused to, choosing to remain-as stated in the advertisement in question-yellow dog Democrats. Even today there remains in the South, especially among the older voters, a large but gradually shrinking number of voters who vote Democrat because their families have always voted Democrat.

As Mr. Hutchinson says in his very thoughtful article, the ad is not as much of a stretch as conventional Liberal wisdom would have you believe. Sometimes it pays to step outside the rhetoric and take a gander at the facts, they may just surprise you. The truly sad fact is that Reverend Dr. Kings fears were real. The welfare state which accompanied the civil rights movement at the behest of Liberals in Congress and with the blessings of the African-American leadership, failed to follow the warnings of Dr. King and provide the “values training, discipline necessary to prevent what eventually happened. The families were allowed to disintegrate and the welfare checks relegated black fathers redundant.


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