No Free Speech In America?

This from Men's News Daily:

No Freedom of Speech in Britain: Is This Our Future?

Is this the future of America as well? I hope we can protect our Constitution when Democrats become powerful enough to once again threaten it. This from the Tivy-Side Advertiser:

Man convicted for anti Muslim banner

A protest in London against the publication of a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed as a terrorist incensed an Aberporth man, who painted an anti-Muslim slogan on a white sheet and draped it over his garden fence.

The words in bold red paint stated: “Kill all Muslims who threaten us and our way of life. Enoch Powell was right.”

Father of two Gary John Mathewson, who was arrested for displaying the banner, told a court:

“This won’t stop until there is a Muslim president in the White House.”

And referring to MP Jack Straw questioning whether Muslim women should wear face veils he asked: “Are you going to arrest him?”

When prosecutor Maggie Hughes pointed out that the banner did not mention extremists Mathewson said: “That’s what I meant by those who threaten us and our way of life.’”

This is a frightening turn of events in a nation that we Americans have come to rely on as our erstwhile ally.

Now understanding that the Brits have never had a constitution of the sort Americans enjoy, we can now appreciate the protections written into our own National Charter. Even so, today in America we see similar assaults on our right to free speech by those who would classify such speech as “hate speech” or as the British Magistrate put it “religiously aggravated disorderly conduct.”

How like our own political correctness now being encouraged by the Left in the United States. We now have “hate-crimes” as a legal classification. That was the first strike by the thought police against our own freedom of speech. Now one must be concerned that he not use any of the forbidden epithets lest he be entrapped by his own words. No one has fully and sufficiently explained exactly how a murder committed out of some mystical, politically designated, hatred is any more heinous than one committed out of everyday normal hatred, but there you are.


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