Right of Way

Tonight is part 2 of 3 articles on the history of civil rights and the democratic party. Again from the now defunct Calpatriot.org here is:

Right of Way
Escaping from the bondage of racial liberal politics

Orginally post at:

Black Americans are being held in ideological bondage by a party that demands full political allegiance but offers no valuable returns. Though
black leaders attempt to reduce all their followers to the same
leftist-centered dogma, the Democratic Party is not the sole
custodian of black interests.

The reality of increasing black influence and leadership
from both sides of the party divide illustrates that the GOP
may also offer relevant solutions to issues that concern black Americans.

Unfortunately, black conservatives who break with this tradition
of blind allegiance to the Left are denounced by other black
Americans. Former head of the NAACP, Benjamin Hooks, denounced
black conservatives as a "new breed of Uncle Tom . . . some of
the biggest liars the world ever saw."

This attempt to purge black America of individuals who hold differing
views is cowardly and shameful. Ironically, the individual success
stories of blacks are now being shunned simply because they do not
conform to the ideological stereotype perpetuated by black America
and the NAACP. This only retards the progress of diversity in our
nation and is clearly counterproductive.

While the Left claims to champion black advancement and special
interests, it often hurls anathemas at many of the black community's
firmly held values and beliefs regarding abortion, the death penalty,
education, and religion.

On the topic of abortion, in 1990, a Gallup poll reported that 40 percent
of black Americans felt the statement "abortion is just as bad as killing
a person who has already been born; it is murder" best
described their feelings on abortion.

Blacks stand to make great gains most from reforms in education.
A 1999 survey by Public Agenda, a nonpartisan research group, found that
68 percent of blacks favor school vouchers.

If black Americans have conservative leanings on these critical issues,
how then has the Democratic party managed to maintain the largely
overwhelming support of the black community and its leaders?

The dispute over affirmative action on American campuses provides
provocative insight. Statistics show that an overwhelming majority
of blacks support the Democratic platform on the issue of racial
preferences. However, affirmative action ironically implies the view
of blacks as intellectually inferior and unqualified under
regular standards.

Democrats would like to portray themselves as the singular guardians
of black interests to maintain their voter stronghold.

But the respect gained by blacks in the Bush administration's two years
demonstrates that the Republican Party is no longer an enemy camp.

Rather, it is the Left that holds the black voters in a stranglehold.
They demand full allegiance for any economic advances and employment
opportunities enjoyed by the black community, implying individual blacks
could not have accomplished these things by way of their own merits.

Successful blacks in this country have not advanced into their
influential roles because of the government's helping hand.

These exceptional politicians, intellectuals, and professionals have
achieved great successes through education, personal motivation, and
determination. The success of blacks, especially those who support the
Republican ideology, is an example of the progress America has made and
will continue to make in the future. From this, we should hope for a
stronger and more diverse political party as conservatives continue
to offer innovative solutions to the issues of black America.


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