Why White Women are on the Asian hate bandwagon

I'm stealing yet another post. This time it's from Outcast Superstar's (I think) repost of The Black Misogynist:

First off, Merry Christmas to the 6 of you who read
this blog according to my stat counter.

I touched on this subject in an entry last month and
now I am going to expand on it. Anybody who has ever
heard a Black woman rant and rave about how white
women "steal" all the good successful black men away.
Well, It is basically the same situation here with
Asians and White girls.

More and more white women are running off with the
morons while young hot and dumb and after they are
done they hope/pray and expect a straight edge guy
with his life together to sorta come by and pick them
up and most often their fatherless kids as well. The
term that best describes these guys is "Captain
save-a-ho." Problem nowadays is that those guys who
would have played that role are being met and picked
up by Asian women in droves especially foreign born
ones or ones from real traditional families that are
born here.

First came across this hate a few years back as a
teenager working in a Wendy's. A late 20 something
year old white woman who still looked great for her
age was complaining about a man she had set her sights
on. Seemed she knew him from a few years back and she
knew he had a thing for her but she wasn't interested.
Now she was all of a sudden for you see. She had a kid
by some thug and had to work in a fast food restaurant
as a second job to get enough money. While said guy
worked some odd job in a law firm making plenty of
money. But didn't seem to be showing the same interest
he once did.

If that sounds familiar to those six readers who come
here. It is because of this blog entry. Seems to be
the norm eh? A few days later her hopes were dashed
however and she ended up sad and a few female
coworkers were consoling her. He wasn't interested in
her anymore because he was already involved with an
Asian woman. Turns out she wasn't alone in this as all
of a sudden multiple girls started giving her their
own experiences of evil Asian women dashing their
hopes for a good man. One even at the young age of 18.
The thought that perhaps she should have dated him
before instead of the thug she did and got pregnant by
didn't cross her mind. Wasn't her fault she wanted an
exciting bad boy. But it was that Asian woman's fault
for picking the nice guy with his life together.

A few years later in college I'd run into the Asian
hate once again. This time by a group of racist
feminist while on a group lab project. Don't even
remember how the subject came up. But the bigotry
flowed. With the blanket idea that all Asian women are
ignorant and weak willed, poor, Horny sluts and
prostitutes. Then there was the so similar story of
some guy who was doing well that one was dating. She
claimed that he dumped her and is now going to marry a
Chinese girl who couldn't speak English because she
was that stupid[because only intelligent people know
English?]What got me was the reason she claimed he
broke it off with her. "He couldn't handle me because
I am too strong and independent. What a weak sexist
pig to go with some weak slutty chink girl he can
dominate and oppress."

WOAH, Isn't that some sh*t. The near exact excuse
Black women use to explain away black men who date
white women.It is bullsh*t for Black women and it is
just as bullsh*t coming out of their mouths. On a
forum I witnessed an argument over a guy saying he
used a dating website to find his wife of then going
on 4 years. A few women launched into how much of a
loser he had to be that he had to look overseas for a
wife. He admitted that in a way it was true. He did it
because a friend used the same agency and his marriage
looked great while he couldn't get a date. Ready for
some deja vu? He started telling everybody his past
dating life. Technically they were right he was a
loser to women around him. He is an unimposing guy and
was shy. No "edge" to him that domestic women his age
wanted. So he was snubbed over and over and over
again. Till he met somebody else with the same problem
who solved it by getting an attractive loyal Thai who
didn't mind that he didn't know how to play any sort
of dating game.

That is the real difference it seems. A lot of Asian
women seem to look past the silly games and don't mind
a guy that just treats her well. They directly pick up
the captain save-a-ho and bypass the stupid sh*t other
women are doing. So he asked all the women
complaining. What should he have done? Stayed alone
and dateless till some woman any woman would have him?
If no American woman wanted him then why can't he find
an attractive Filipino girl who did want him? Their
answer? One was bold and actually said yes, He
should've stayed alone. One said he was a weak man who
only did it because he couldn't handle the strength of
Modern women.

Another woman gave an interesting answer. That he
should have waited longer. Why? Here comes some more
deja vu. Because the way he is NOW he would have been
able to attract many American women. Why? Because he
would have been dealing with older more mature women
and that is when they want nice decent men like him
who have his life together. Indeed he did have a good
job and had quite a nice house.

That is the bottom line folks. That is the reason more
white women are jumping on the "I hate Asian women"
bandwagon. Because Asian women are swooping in and
picking up the guys white women are trying to save for
later. They are fast losing their place as the most
wanted type of female that they have enjoyed for the
longest of time. White women just like black women are
spending too much time with the wrong type of men.
Then get angry when the decent men are picked up by
others and they are stuck with more losers.

Unlike black women however, White women actually have
political power here in the states and they are too
bratty and spoiled to just accept this.
Soon I am sure there is going to be a law passed that
somehow stops men from finding Asian wives and
bringing them here. Or at the very least attempt to
shut down the websites that help men do it.


Ian Kano said...

This is the best article on this I have read since the one I wrote a few years back. Send me your email address and I will send you the article.

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