Single Illegal Immigrant Moms pt 2

Here's more on the topic of single immigrant mothers:

Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nearly half of the babies delivered by Hispanic mothers in Benton County last year were born out of wedlock.

That was double the rate for white, non-Hispanic mothers in the county.

The statistics mirror national trends that have the attention of advocates of all persuasions.

Immigration critics warn of looming consequences, from persistent poverty to welfare dependency. The Bush administration also makes the connection: Preventing out-ofwedlock pregnancies is a key to its $ 100 million “healthy marriage” strategy for curbing welfare.

But in Benton County, the state’s No. 1 home for Hispanic immigrants, health and welfare officials report no signs of a strained safety net. And Hispanic leaders say their famed family networks are strong in spite of the rising numbers of out-of-wedlock births.

Here's an article with an opposing point of view stating that the illegals actually *help* the American economy.

I'll post more articles like these as I find them...


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