Feminism Racism and The Women’s Ku Klux Klan?

Remeber in my last post I made mention of that fact that feminism seems to care so much for blacks.. Well, in the comments section of NY Bucks last post (MRA Equals Misogyny Homophobia and Racism) Khankrumthebulgar made this statement:

My younger Friend. I have watched what has transpired between the Genders for 5 decades now. Nothing has changed in Men, except our love for Women has been turned to an adaption to survive our interactions with them. What Angry Harry has postulated should be recognized.

US Feminism is Lesbianism. Lesbians compete with Men for Sexually desireable Women. Especially younger Females. They hate and dispise Men. Yet our Women seem to ignore the obvious. Life is not all about them.

Men have been reduced to disposable Beasts of Burden. The Duke LaCrosse case being a prime example. How can Men be in control aka. "The Patriarchy" when White Affluent Males are nearly destroyed and subject to 30 years in Prison on an accusation without merit by a Whore? And worse yet a Whore who changed her story 12 times? And could not remember ever being penetrated?

Men are responding to survival instinct. Heather needs to get a clue. Look at reality or go to hell. Black Men have been the recepients of a cruel social experiement, now foisted on all Men. The wholesale removal of Men from the family, with disasterous results. There can be no real Men's Rights Movement, unless Whites speak up for our Brothers of Color. Too many who languish in Prisons, the products of single Mother homes by White Liberals.


Another commenter would answer Khankrum with these comments:

Ninjas 4 Jebus said...

"Men are responding to survival instinct. Heather needs to get a clue. Look at reality or go to hell. Black Men have been the recepients of a cruel social experiement, now foisted on all Men. The wholesale removal of Men from the family, without disasterous results. There can be no real Men's Rights Movement, unless Whites speak up for our Brothers of Color. Too many who languish in Prisons, the products of single Mother homes by White Liberals."

I find this genuinely distressing. Do you really think you see an element of racism in this mess? I am a white man, and I can assure you that such is not the case! Men of all races are suffering under this wicked and unnatural ssytem! Come on over to my house, Khankrumthebulgar, where you will drink my beer and we can discuss this in a more relaxed fashion. Deal?

Well where does Khan get the idea that there's racism in feminism...

I'll tell you where from this article at International Mens Network :

Book Review

"Women of the Klan – Racism and Gender in the 1920's"
by Kathleen M. Blee
University of California Press, 1992
ISBN 0-520-07876-4 (ppb.)

Available online at www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/5625.html

We often hear about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Suffragettes being the source of the women's rights movement. This has been repeated so frequently that the public believes this to be the true, veritable source of the present-day feminist movement.

"Women of the Klan" proves this to be untrue. Many of the Suffragettes, as we find out, were also deeply involved in the WKKK until well after passage of the 19th amendment. In political terms, women banded together in the WKKK to get the vote, using it to "blackmail" support from their husbands in the KKK.

Because this odd amalgamation, legitimate interests of women became dangerously poisoned with the sick paranoid agenda of the Klan, a problem that the legitimate women's movement has never come to terms with. (A point for understanding: In the present day, we do see a legitimate egalitarian women's movement hard at work, but its effectiveness is overwhelmed by the highly empowered radical feminist movement which over the years has gender-baited itself into a fortune in federal funding and the power that goes with it. We must now all come to terms with the fact that the radical feminist movement is an extremely dangerous movement, no less reprehensible than the racist movement, and these organizations and individuals must be called out on the carpet and rejected).

Observations and Conclusions:

"Women of the Klan" unquestionably demonstrates that racism was, and still is, first rooted in sexism. Despite the fact that public policy has been disinfected of the tangible appearance of racism, underlying sexist policies continue to run rampant in America's federal and state laws, driving discrimination against men of all races, but with a somewhat stronger impact on black males.

Today's black men are hit with with a "double whammy". While black men might not be discriminated against initially because of skin color, the sexual fears of black men operate strongly to assume that a black woman with a child is a victim who should be showered with public assistance programs, and the black man persecuted economically to support his own social demise. The welfare state has been segregating the black family actively for nearly forty years with devastating effect on family structures and mistrust between black men and women.

The substantial size of the gender segregation problem has resulting in deeply reinforced beliefs that black men are irresponsible, untrustworthy, sexual predators of women. These beliefs have become so extreme that a surprisingly large collection of public policy makers have called for the creation of "women only" welfare housing in which men are not allowed to live or even enter. It is this "sexism" and sex-segregation within the black community which directly prevents further advancement of the civil rights movement, sustainable economic advancement for the black community, and forms the dysfunctional basis of today's twisted style of "racist politics".

Due to the continuing work of the descendants of the WKKK, radical feminist public policy has been generically expanded to encompass all men, using the same gender-baiting tactics used by the KKK to destroy the families and civil rights of blacks. This expansion continues not only to disguise discrimination in the black community while keeping community morals, morale, and apathy at record levels; it has actively moved into all classes irregardless of race.

There's also this article from David R. Usher:

In a Wall Street Journal editorial “White Guilt and the Western Past -- Why is America so delicate with the enemy? Shelby Steele suggests that America’s inability to fight war effectively was caused by “the world-wide collapse of white supremacy as a source of moral authority, political legitimacy and even sovereignty.”

Shelby’s theory is wrong. The collapse of white moral authority is not the problem.

The replacement of male authority with feminism is. To Steele’s credit -- he was gazing in the general right direction – but missed the real target. In America, there is one place where white supremacy and radical feminism existed: The Ku Klux Klan.

The crucial relationship Shelby missed is this: post-modern feminism (which has clearly admitted to being a supremacist movement) is the living granddaughter of the Women’s Ku Klux Klan (WKKK), where second-wave feminism (as we know it today) was gestated and borne.

It is important to recognize that the WKKK was not in the mainstream of the suffragette movement, but did strongly support it.

Other articles on the subject of the Women's Klan and feminism:

Indiana History Women of the WKKK Documents

The Encyclopedia of Arkansas Women of the Ku Klux Klan (WKKK)

What Men are saying about Women. Feminism started in the WKKK

The Politics of Sex 1923

Dads Now Women of The Klan

So there you have it, proof that feminism does indeed have racism in it.

Until next time.....

Realted Post:

The 20th Century Anti-feminist movement

It's More Than Just Black and White


Randall Shake said...

I agree with Khankrumthebulgar.

"IMBRA is tryanny disguised as Social Policy. It is a blatant abuse of the Bill of Rights, and an attack on the Civil Rights of Men only. Next will be a tax on the Men who dare to Marry Foreign Women to exclude Men from doing so. Men are being reduced to ManNiggers in the US. Wage Slaves to US Women who are controlling Men in ways that violate their basic rights and that labels them as Sexual Criminals and Abusers. And does nothing to protect them."

Do you all want to be ManNiggers? I don't. Do you?

Feminism is about waging a Gender War against Men and Children. Open your eyes to the reality of the Damage being done by Feminism to the Family, marriage, and Society.

Feminism is about promoting Women's Entitlements above everyone else. It is not about equality. How can Women have Minority Status when they are the Majority of Voters? Live Longer than Men? Have the majority of Consumer Dollars spent on them? Have the Majority of Retail Floor Space 85% devoted exclusively to them? When Men are 94% of those who die on the job.

When Health Care Dollars for Breast Cancer is four times what is spent on Prostate Cancer. How can you say that Women are oppressed? Its utter nonsense.

Quality of Life, Longevity (the ultimate entitlement),retirement dollars, who inherits the money. And now in the US 60% of College Grads are Women. Get a clue. Or we'll all be ManNiggers. Like Khankrumthebulgar said.

mezzrowjr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mezzrowjr said...

I've already handled this situation. But just in case I should need to contact law enforcement. I'll keep these comments here. Any further comments will be also be kept as evidence. You've been warned Robin Steele.

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