The female privilege debate

From What Men Are Saying About Women:

Perhaps the arguments that we provide readers at MND are far more important than book reviews or interviews, so with this in mind, I'll share a response I had to a poster at Amazon where I submitted a brief version of my take on Katie Couric's biography.

Hopefully, some young college kid will read this and have something to say when he is barraged by politically correct orthodoxy.

Here's what the poster wrote:

Quote "Women can dress whatever way they like but they must not be surprised when people comment on it"It seems to me that a woman should not have to expect *any* comments on how they choose to dress, any more than a man should. As to female privilege, I see nothing "rational" in your opinion, and 'Opinion' is neither correct nor incorrect by definition - it is simply a statement of personal preference.

The fact that women are paid less for equal work strongly opposes your opinion. My wife is paid a third of what her male administrator boss is paid, and she trained him to do his job. A woman, in general can be expected to be paid less for the same quality and amount of work as a male. It is not my experience in the business world or the medical profession that the vast majority of women dress to expose their breasts. Perhaps 1 or 2% of women do so, for reasons that seem to be based on the assumption that the male dominated world of "bosses" will gander and then give them more money or opportunity. Probably because some males do just that. Again, based on my personal experiences, most women dress in a businesslike or professional manner in the workplace, and are still subject to comments about their breasts and bottoms, or weight, ALL of which are inappropriate, and should not be "expected".

Perhaps you could provide some examples of "female privilege" that I am unaware of, as the fact of lower pay speaks to lack of privilege, and in fact indicates unfair treatment. As for men "working themselves to death", I just don't see that much now days. As for staying home with the kids, get real. The typical American household needs both Mom and Dad working just to eat and pay for basics unless you are lucky enough to make $30-60 an hour AND work full time. Having seen my wife crapped on by male co-workers and bosses for 25 years, your case just does'nt hold water, and your observations are questionable, if not naïve.

Here's what Bernard Chapin Posted in reposnse:

3. Women are not paid less for equal work. Those who cite this statistic are merely repeating an old wives tale. Please read Carrie Lukas’s The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism for a magnificent analysis of the pay gap lie. Of course, it is not true that women are paid less for equal work. Pay is not as big of motivator for women as it is for men. They often select less lucrative “careers” and have other factors in mind other than salary when considering employment; such as working fewer hours and being close to home—see Lukas please.

4. “Get real” is not an argument and I know many men who work far more than do women.

5. That two incomes is better than one for raising children is probably true but that has nothing to do with this discussion, lol.

6. No naivety from me, but I think you have failed to examine the possible alternative hypothesis with your wife. I don’t know her but have you considered, given her inability to get promoted, that her situation may independently illustrate female privilege in America? I say this because your wife’s non-advancement may reflect inefficiency and incompetence. Indeed, she may only remain at work due to her employers’ fear of firing a woman. This certainly is a more plausible explanation based on the evidence than your own which relies on the spurious notion of phantom discrimination.

7. I know many women who dress professionally, but they typically are older. Younger women often dress provocatively, and this is true for many professions and not just my own. While I see it everyday, my friend, who works in the Chicago Loop, observes it every summer when he descends his stairwell at lunchtime in order to ogle a parade of flesh empty out from the buildings around him. Sometimes he is so entranced that he forgets to eat! Who can blame him? It’s a moveable feast.

Please go here to read the rest of his reply.


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