Independence without responsibility

Is what one visitor to What Men Are Saying about Women is commenting on when asked if it is time for the Pedestal to be scaled back:

Viking said...

The problem is that independence without responsibility is the essence of adolescent misbehavior, and most women want are wanting to be perpetually adolescent in this regard.

The other problem is that if you have power then, morally speaking, you should provide for yourself last. That is to say, you should be last in line, voluntarily. That is why in the civilized Christian west, which no longer exists, men, who held power, were expected to serve women and children and be last in line. "Women and children first to the life boats" was not the command of the women and children. They had neither the implied authority nor the physical ability to demand such. Truly they were at the mercy of the men who could have easily have taken the boats for their own. And surely there were uncivilized men who might have done just that were there not civilized men there to resist them and provide the boats, buy force, to the women and children. Though the more civilized parts of history, men have had both authority and implied responsibility to do the dirty work. Men build public works, men fight wars and so on. Women and children first is not because they are better and inherently deserve to go first. It is because it would be dishonorable for the man, who gets to choose who goes first, to choose himself over those in his charge.

So, now we fast forward to the present. Men are not in charge. Women control society from the family to, probably soon, the White House. Even if most politicians are still men, they certainly are catering to the female vote which is an absolute majority not to mention that women are more likely to "do their civic duty" and vote in the first place. The problem is that in our post Christian society, we have no moral grounding and therefore nothing to tell us that it is wrong to take, take, take for yourself. Consequently, most, not all, but most women are, in a most uncivil manner, use their power to provide for themselves.

When the ruling class of a society has both power and privilege, and little ability to provide that privilege for themselves, and lack a certain moral foundation, it results, every time, in slavery. Think of the nobles in ancient Rome. Sure Rome was great, but it was built on the backs of slaves. lots and lots of slaves. In our case men are the providers and builders of society and now women are the new ruling class with both new found power and historic privilege. Thus the problem. If they are in charge, they need to put themselves last, or, if they want to come first they need to give up the power. You don't get both without tyranny. The trouble with tyranny is that it never voluntarily gives up power. Either the slaves revolt violently or the kingdom is attacked by barbarians or both. Either way, it is not good.


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