Intro to IMBRA

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Online Dating Rights (ODR) is a group of men and a few women who believe that a new federal law called IMBRA is unconstitutional, immoral, and misandrist (man-hating). IMBRA criminalizes American men (and women) who meet foreign women (and men) via the internet. The law requires a man to have a criminal background check, a sex offender check and an
intrusive report about intimate details of his life prepared and given to a foreign woman stranger (scammer?) BEFORE he can email or call her. This is the first time in US history criminal background checks have been required for two people to communicate.

IMBRA was developed over several years in secret by US Senator Maria Cantwell, D, WA, and Tahirih Justice Center, a radical feminist group whose sexist director claims that American men seeking to date or marry foreign women “are often sexual predators, rapists or even pedophiles…many are premeditated torturers.” The law was hidden behind another bill and passed in a 2005 Christmas rush. No hearings were held on this law, and no international dating companies or mens’ groups were allowed any input into its development.

Even though the purpose of the law as stated by Sen. Cantwell and Tahirih is to protect foreign women from abusive American men, statistics gathered by the INS in a 1999 study show that such relationships are far more successful than American-American relationships.

Other justifications for the law are based on misleading, deceptive and dishonest use of statistics and on personal opinions disguised as fact.

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