I Want My Country Back by Jim Wilson

Normally I don't post anything related to the WoT I realize that this is one of those extremely divisive issues that could have had a negative effect on some of my readership. However in light of my recent troll problems and going through some old articles I had stored on a cd-rom and remembering exactly what it was that got me blogging on men's issues in the first place I have decided to post this well, "rant" (if that's what you wish to call it) by the late Jim Wilson of Virtual Promote Gazette (formerly known is Jim World.)

Originally posted at:


I too have been touched by the outpouring of support so many places around the world.

To see Russians laying flowers at the US Embassy gate is almost more than I can integrate into my thinking. Being a baby-boomer, my whole life was spent under the threat of Nuclear Winter brought on by the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union. Now they stand with us against true evil. It takes some time to rid myself of a lifetime of conditioned response.

Surely the day will come when Nick must integrate the standing of the Middle East with his generation against the next Evil. History has taught us that our society continues to evolve and I for one think the steps are more forward than backward.

Once the Middle East has been cleansed of the Monsters that have grown to such a force in their societies, the healing can start for us and for them.

No less Evil is the rot within our own countries.

The woman who called in yesterday to tell the police that her husband was alive and trapped with nine other cops below the rubble creating so much excitement in a world desperate for anything that could be good news. It was a hoax. The police have arrested her and are desperately looking for a way to charge her with a felony. Just lock her up and we'll figure it out later.

Or the father who saw his son's name on a site posting names of survivors and drove 800 miles to find his son and protect him as any father would, only to find that his son was not a survivor. The news of his son was in fact a cruel, inhuman joke by a hacker who got his jollies hacking into hope sites to pour salt into the wounds of crushed families.

There are many other cruel tricks being done by the lowest levels of our society. These are not beings that I want to share my country with. But I don't blame them any more than I blame the rest of us who have allowed this country to be distorted into a land where morality is not just lacking, but literally against the law of the land.

I want my country back and I want it the way it was before the hateful minority decided that they could do away with any barriers between right and wrong, between good and evil, between proper and outrageous.

I want my son to be free to gather quietly with his friends and speak the name of God without the fear of being banished from school forever. I want him to have the rights I enjoyed as an American. The right to associate with people who held common values and beliefs without being portrayed as a threat to anyone with a different belief.

I want him to stand with all of his fellow students and pledge his allegiance to the flag of our great country. Before that can happen, they will of course need to put the flags back in the classrooms. I want him to be free to do this without fear of offending the swelling numbers of fellow students who are not here to be Americans, only to enjoy the rich offerings of this land and giving nothing in return.

I want the traitors at the US Open tennis organization who decided that it was in poor taste to play the US national anthem because it would offend non-Americans, to find no place to hide from their crimes.

I want the scum who are falsely collecting money from people who think they are giving it to help our survivors or the families of our dead to be treated as equals to the Monsters who sent American this evil.

I want the parents of parasites to be held accountable for their failure to instill a knowledge of right and wrong into their children. "It's not my fault. I didn't know what he was doing in his room to hurt others. After all, he has the right to privacy."

I want that attitude to be seen for the ignorant, cowardly statement it is. Don't know what your kids are doing? Then get off you butts and go into the bedroom and unplug the computer, phone and television until you figure out how to meet your responsibility. Children have only as much right to privacy as they can earn from their parents. Sadly, if it took as much intelligence to give birth as it takes to get a driver's license the world would be much less populated.

I want my country back. What I have now has no morality, pride or reason to exist.

I will start immediately to cleanse my own house. I will start in our list of 1000 directories where people can submit their sites for a free listing. I will be removing any directory that contains links to information about hacking or other illegal computer activities of any kind. I don't want to tell those directories how to run their businesses. But I will not help them spread rot through the kids of my country.

Trying to tell me that someone has the right to spread whatever kind of filth they want will be met with my agreement. Do what you want but don't try telling me that you have the right to demand my help. That dog just won't hunt.

(End of article)


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